Chapter 64

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CHAPTER 64 (Trigger Warning Please Proceed with Caution!)

This chapter is not an attack on anyone's beliefs or perspectives. No matter how you feel about certain issues, I try to write according to what makes the most sense for my characters.

6 days ago...

"Damn it Tracy!"

The furious expletive floored Tracy as she descended the staircase the next morning. So shocked by it that she lost her footing, Tracy gripped the banister rail and put her other hand over her racing heart.

Standing there glaring at her, Gideon was dressed in his usual expensive black suit. "Why the hell are you here?!" He yelled.

"Stop screaming at me?!" Tracy yelled back.  Irritated at the greeting, she descended the last few steps.  Sleep had eluded her the night before as she grieved with her friends. And she wasn't feeling well.  Tracy was in no mood to deal with a vampire with a bug up his butt. She snorted slightly when she recalled Dameon calling them "fleas."

Jordan came hurrying down, looking like he was about to beat somebody's backside. "What's with all the damn shrieking?!"

"Everyone shut the fuck up!" Dameon roared, adding his voice to the melee before grabbing his head and doubling over. "OW! Fuck!" He moaned, obviously feeling crapulence as he stumbled over to a bench and flopped down.

Tracy wrinkled her nose. "I didn't think werewolves got hung over. Damn!  How much did you drink?

Attempting to glare in her directions, he could only groan in pain as his eyeballs felt like they were going to pop out of his skull.

When Dameon grabbed Tracy's arm, the slight pulse of current she felt puzzled her. "Why are you here?" he gritted out. "Your lying friend has told everyone that you were sick and resting.  What are you doing here?"

"First of all, let go of my arm, you're bruising it. Second, I haven't been feeling well so Carla hasn't lied. And third, I received an urgent message from my grandfather, that's why I'm here.  It's best that we talk about it in private ."

Gideon continued his glower as Jordan came over to make his presence felt, just in case the vampire got touchy again. When Dameon's loud snores broke the tense silence, Gideon looked disgustedly at his host before Ruby came forward to show him his room. Jordan went to get breakfast as Tracy stayed behind to assist in moving Dameon to his room.

A minute later Tiffany rattled in shackled.  Bound by wide metal cuffs that were linked together with about a yard of a thin chain. Her ankles were tethered in a similar fashion.

"Luna? Can I speak with you?" She asked meekly. 

Contrary to her usually haughty and arrogant nature, Tracy was shocked at the demeanor. Careful not to let it show, they walked slowly outside to a cactus garden that sat on the west side of the house. Tracy was astonished at the variety of different cacti growing there. The prickly vegetation had an astonishing display of colorful flowers that were late bloomers. The pathway was paved with flat brownstone rocks. Large boulders of the same stone were cut to make benches. Tracy made a mental note to come back out and explore, but for now there was a more pressing issue. Tiffany appeared to be in deep thought and it made Tracy nervous.

If Tiffany was going to ask to return to the Cub Creek Pack then as Luna she would feel an obligation to bring her home. However, it would also mean a trial and punishment which could mean banishment. Once declared a rogue, Tracy as Luna could no longer help her. 

The other issue would be Dameon Wilde. Call her crazy but Tracy had the feeling that the rogue king truly loved his mate.  Whatever obligations he felt towards Lady Anna would not be enough to stop him from going wolf man wild on them.

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