Deep Breath

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*Albert Embankment*

On the south side of the River Thames in London, across from the Houses of Parliament, a crowd is gathered as Big Ben chimes three o'clock and a dinosaur roars at it.

"Come on, out of the way. Move yourself, please. Coming through. That's it. Excuse me, sir" Vastra, Jenny, Strax and a fourth person are escorted through the crowd to a police Inspector.

"Madame Vastra, thank God. I'll wager you've not seen anything like this before."

"Well, not since I was a little girl" Vastra replies.

"Big fella, isn't he?" Jenny asks.

"Dinosaurs were mostly this size. I do believe it's a she."

"No, they weren't, I've seen fossils."

"I was there."

"Well, that's all well and good, but what's this dinosaur fellow doing in the Thames?" the police inspector asks, the Tyrannosaurus Rex is pacing and bellowing in the river, the crowd screams.

"It must have time travelled. Jenny?" Jenny holds up a hand-scanner, which is part of her glove.

"Time travelled?" the dinosaur tries to cough something up.

'Is it choking?" Vastra asks.

"There seems to be something lodged in its throat," Jenny says.

"How could it time travel?"

"I don't know. Perhaps it was something it ate" Vastra says as the dinosaur manages to dislodge the obstruction in its throat, and a small blue box with a light on top flies out of its mouth to land right way up on the riverbank below the crowd.

"Stand back. Stand back, stand back" the man pushes his way forward to a better vantage point "well, it's just laid an egg."

"It's dropped a blue box marked Police out of its mouth. Your grasp of biology, it troubles me."

"It's the TARDIS."

"It would seem so." Vastra replies.

"We'll take care of this, Inspector," Jenny says.

"But what if that thing goes on the rampage?" Vastra takes balls with three legs out of a sack.

"Place these lanterns on the shoreline and bridges, encircling the creature at twenty-foot intervals."

"What will they do?"

"They will emit a signal that will incline it to remain within their circumference. Jenny, Strax. With me" they go down the stone stairs to the river bank.

"So, it's him, then, the Doctor? And the Seer?" Jenny asks.

"A giant dinosaur from the distant past has just vomited a blue box from outer space," Vastra says "this is not a day for jumping to conclusions. Strax, if you wouldn't mind?" Strax knocks on the TARDIS door.

"Hello? Exit the box, and surrender to the glory of the Sontaran empire" a tall grey-haired man opens the door and looks out. Smoke comes out as well.

"Shush!" he shuts the door again.

"Doctor?" Strax asks, the door opens again.

"I was being chased by a giant dinosaur, but I think I managed to give it the slip" the door shuts again. When the door is opened slowly



"Bashful? Sneezy? Dopey? Grumpy!" the Doctor then sees the two women and walks towards them "oh, you two. The green one and the not-green one. Or it could be the other way round, I mustn't pre-judge" he looks at me.

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