Twice Upon A Time pt.2

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Our progress comes to a sudden halt. We slither down the chains to the Tardis.

"Jump!" We both shout.
We jump. The Tardis was only a couple of feet off the ground. It starts to rise again.

"What do we do now?" Bill asks.

"Run!" The docor takes my hand.

"Where? They've got the Tardis."

"Yes, that's exactly what they're
supposed to think."

"But they do though. Look."

"They've got my Tardis. Over to you, Mary Berry."

"Come on." The Seer says.

"Doctor, Seer, is that another Tardis?"

"No. No. It's another of the same Tardis."

"Hang on, the windows are the wrong size."

"Inside, quickly!" We quickly look at the windows before going inside.


"Take off, now! Deep space, anywhere."
The Tardis whizzes along the Vortex.

"I tell you what. These police boxes, they're ever so good, aren't they?" The Captain says.

"The navigation systems don't function properly. I'm unable to programme our flight with any accuracy. So, my dear, I presume you travel with them." The Seer presses some buttons.

"Used to. Kind of miss it."

"Well, they clearly misses you. That ship of his is in dire need of a good spring clean." My eyes widen.

The Seer walks up to Bill. "Just ignore him dear."

"No, no, no, stop, stop, stop talking. Look, look, look. Oh, look at the, look at the astral map. Look at all the lovely blinking lights. Look at that."

"They're you. They are, aren't they? They're you. They're one of your old faces."

"I'm find I'm lagging behind a tiny bit again. You" I put on my sonic shades.

"Not those again. I forbid it!"
I sonic up an image of the Glass Woman up on the Time and Space Visualiser.

"There you go, I was right. Asymmetrical."

"I said that."

"Same difference." I put my shades on my older self, she staggers slightly.

"If her face was based on a human original, perhaps identifying who that was will tell us what we need to know about Testimony."

"Why am I wearing these?" The Seer asks.

"Because we love it. Never take those off."

"What's browser history?" I quickly retrieve my shades.

"I'm trying to match her face in the Tardis data bank, but there's hardly anything in it yet. We need a bigger database. Possibly the Matrix on Gallifrey. No. We need something bigger than the Matrix."


"Quite beautiful, really, isn't she?"

"Yeah, if you like ladies made of glass."

"Well, aren't all ladies made of glass, in a way?" They laugh.

"Very good, sir, very good."

"Are we now?" The Seer and Bill look at them with their arms crossed.

"Oh, my dear. I hope it doesn't offend you to know that I have some experience of the er, fairer sex." He points to the Seer.

"Me too."

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