Face The Raven

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Clara runs through the door of the TARDIS, followed by the Doctor and me, who close the door on the bright yellow light outside.

"I told you it'd work!" Clara says.

"It very nearly ate you for dinner" I reply.

"Oh, admit it. I totally saved your lives."

"It wasn't going to eat us" Clara laughs.

"I totally saved you from having to marry that giant sentient plant thing. That bit when I jumped over the side? That was amazing" I snort and grin.

"Ha! I knew you were impressed." He kisses me on the cheek.

"The second most beautiful garden in all of time and space, and we can never come back here because you, Miss Oswald, decided..." I am cut off by the TARDIS console phone ringing. We stare at it, then the Doctor gestures for Clara to answer it.

"Hello?" Clara asks.

"Clara? Finally. It's Rigsy."

"Oh. Rigsy. Hey. What's wrong?"

"So I have this, er, it kind of looks like a tattoo."

"Seriously? I gave you this number for emergencies."

"It's an emergency, trust me. Just come and take a look at it. Please."

"Who said you could give out our number?" the Doctor asks.

"Look, look, no matter how bad it is, we cannot take you back down your timeline just to fix a tattoo," Clara says.

"That's just it. I didn't get a tattoo. And it's, it's counting down."

"Sorry, what?"

"The tattoo - it's a number and it's counting down to zero."

"Hang tight. We'll be right there."

"Hurry. Please."

*Time skip*

The TARDIS has parked herself in a baby's bedroom. The baby herself is lying in a pink cot. Everyone is whispering despite the child being wide awake.

"Did you make this human?" the Doctor asks.

"Lucy? Yeah, she's mine" Rigsy says.

"Oh. Hello. Oh, Rigsy, she's gorgeous" Clara says looking at Lucy.

"She's better than that. She's brilliant. What are you doing running round getting tattoos when there's..." the Doctor gets cut off by Clara.


"Look, I didn't get anything. I woke up this morning and it was just there. Jen noticed it" Rigsy says.

"Ok, show me this tattoo that you didn't get, then," the Doctor says, Rigsy turns and pulls down the back of his jumper collar "It's a tattoo. It's very boring."

"No, wait. Just, just keep watching."

"What were you doing last night?" Clara asks.

"That's just it. Yesterday was a total blank. Jen said that I left the house before dawn, I missed work, and I didn't get back till after midnight. No one saw me all day" the Doctor has finished flicking through a baby's picture book when the tattoo changes from 533 to 532.

"Oh, that's not boring. That is very not boring" I mutter as I put on my sonic sunglasses.

"What? What is it?" Clara asks as I remove my glasses and hand them to the Doctor who puts them on then takes them off.

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