The Lie Of The Land pt.2

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"Mum, it's me. We're coming back. We could have snuck back in, but the Seer and the Doctor being themselves..." a harbourmaster picks up a blip on his radar and two men run out onto the jetty. The huge vessel sounds its horn. We flee, and the Doctor and I laugh "by the time we got back to the university, the Monks were waiting for us. Of course" Bill, the Doctor and I are hiding out of the Monk's line of sight "we weren't headed to their office, though" they go down into the cellar "even so, the Seer was nervous, Mum. I could tell. She had to do this, she said. She had to open the vault."

"Move into the containment field, please" I whisper placing my hand on the vault door before moving back to stand beside Bill. First, I sonic the door, and four locks reveal themselves. Thumbprint, electronic keypad, mechanical dial ring combination lock, and finally a key. The Vault door opens inwards. Missy is inside a hexagonal containment field, playing the piano. Some pieces of furniture are scattered around the rest of the Vault. There are even windows to let in light. The Doctor flops into a leather armchair as the doors close, while I stand next to him.

"But it's, it's just a woman," Bill says walking to stand beside me, Missy stops playing and looks around "god, the way you three have been carrying on, I thought you had some kind of monster in here or something!"

"I do. Missy, Bill. Bill, Missy, the other Last of the Time Lords. Also known as my sister."

"Wait a sec. Why have you got your sister locked in a vault? Because even I think that's weird, and I've been attacked by a puddle."

"She's going cold turkey from being bad" the Doctor replies.

"Humph!" Missy groans.

"I want to ask if you've had any dealings with the Monks before" I ask.

"Of course. I've had adventures too. My whole life doesn't revolve around you, you know" Missy says smiling at me.

"Did you defeat them?" Bill asks.

"I did."


"I've got some requests. I want some new books, some toys, like a particle accelerator, a 3-D printer and a pony" I go to reply but the Doctor beats me to it.

"I don't think that you really grasp what's going on here. Nice people generally don't haggle over the fate of a planet."

"I once built a gun out of leaves. Do you think I couldn't get through a door if I wanted to? I'm here, all right? I'm engaging with the process."

"Ok. Yeah. Yeah, we can, we can get those things for you" Bills says.

"C'est super. So, what have you got so far?"

"They hold on to power by targeting the part of the brain specifically to do with memory and perception, correct? Right?" I say, Missy closes the lid of her grand piano as I start pacing around the containment field.

"Getting warm. Fingers tingling."

"But they target it with what exactly? How do they sustain it?" Missy sits on the piano lid.

"How do their lies infiltrate the brains of billions? Is it some kind of airborne psychoactive?" Missy is now laying on the piano.

"No, no, that's very cold, very cold."

"Something that's constantly being fed to the populace, constantly consolidating its hold. Is it in the water?"

"God, no. It's freezing, freezing. Absolutely freezing. Couldn't be colder. Very, very, chilly. So, so chilly. Oh, come on. I'm bored! You haven't been to see me in six months. No one has! Not even that bald bloke who looks like an egg."

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