The Husband Of River Song pt.2

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Ramone and River are walking  together along the street, with the Doctor and me bringing up the rear, the Doctor is carrying the zipped bag.

"What if we can't find her? We need to get you off-world now" Ramone says.

"Off-world. People never say that" the Doctor laughs "are you new?"

"We can't hang around waiting. She could be ages" River replies.

"Yes, she's probably off rebuilding a civilisation or defeating giant robot fish..." I say as we arrive at the TARDIS.

"We'll just have to steal it," River says cutting me off.

"From the ninth dimension. Sorry, what?"

"The hopper is really close. We would be out of here in less than ten minutes" Ramone says.

"I need time travel. I need this TARDIS" River says.

"I'm sorry. The word steal. Somebody said steal?" the Doctor asks.

"Yes. We're going to steal this box. Hush, you wouldn't understand" River replies.

"You can't."

"Why can't I?"

"You can't just steal a TA... A box."

"Why not?'

"Look, it says Police."

"I have a key" River produces a Yale type key and opens the TARDIS door.

"Ok... This er Damsel person. She sounds, she sounds pretty dangerous. Ish" I say

"It's a time machine. I can take it, do whatever I want for as long as I like and pop it back a second later. She'll never know it was gone."

"Yes, she will."


"She'll just know."

"Well, she's never noticed before."

"Maybe she'll notice now" River bursts out laughing.

"I'll see you on Temple Beach," River says kissing Ramone "I've already picked out your swimwear."

"Ok, but be careful."

"Absolutely not. You two, with me. Bring the head" River goes inside the TARDIS.

"Please, look after her for me," Ramone says he starts to walk away, then stops. River pops her head out of the TARDIS.

"Oh, before you come in, you'd both better prepare yourselves for a shock. It's not as snug as it looks" River says as she goes back inside.

"Finally," the Doctor says.

"Finally?" Ramone asks.

"It's my go" the Doctor goes into the TARDIS followed by me "oh. My, God! Oh, it's bigger!"

"Well, yes" River replies.

"On the inside..."

"We need to concentrate."

"Then it is..."

"I know where you're going with this, but I need you to calm down."

"On the outside!"

"You've certainly grasped the essentials."

"My entire understanding of physical space has been transformed! Three-dimensional Euclidean geometry has been torn up, thrown in the air and snogged to death! My grasp of the universal constants of physical reality has been changed forever" River has gone down the stairs "sorry. I've always wanted to see that done properly" River opens a roundel to reveal a drinks cabinet.

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