The Return Of Doctor Mysterio pt.2

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"So, I'm a superhero now?" Grant asks sitting in between the Doctor and me.

"Well, once the gemstone is gone from inside you, you'll be back to normal. It will pass" I say.

"But how will it get out?"

"Like I said, it will pass. Looking forward to that."

"Are you sure?"

"Of course, I'm not sure. Nothing's ever sure. Just promise us one thing. For as long as you have these powers, you will never, ever use them."


*Time skip*

"Is this the right building? They all look the same from up there" Ghost says.

"Yeah. Yeah, this is me, thanks" Lucy says.

"Well, I certainly hope this unpleasant experience hasn't put you off a career in journalism."

"Oh, no, no, no, not at all" something beeps from a pouch in the Ghost's cape. He turns to check a baby monitor.

"Sorry. Duty calls."

"Look at that. The Bat-Signal's an app now? What is it? Bank robbery? Hijack?"

"Er, something like that. Excuse me" he flies off.

"Go get 'em." The Ghost flies into his bedroom window does a Wonder Woman twirl to change into Grant, puts on his spectacles then discovers that the crib is empty. The Doctor is cradling the baby with me beside him.

"With great power comes great responsibility. No man worthy of the title leaves a baby alone" the Doctor says.

"How did you find me?"

"We tracked the gemstone inside you" I say, we go through to the main living area "your powers, they don't belong in this world. They're an anomaly. You promised us you'd never use them."

"May I take her?" Grant says gesturing to the baby.

"She's yours?" the Doctor asks.

"I'm hers. I'm her nanny."

"You're her nanny?" the Doctor asks handing the baby over.

"Yeah, her nanny. You got a problem with that?"

"No, no, it's just, well, ok, so you are a superhero and a nanny?"

"Well, you've got to make a buck somehow. I mean, you don't get paid for saving people."

"Oh, you don't have to tell us. Here you go, nice and warm. And tasty" Nardole says handing Grant a bottle of milk before spotting a toy "ooo, elephant."

"It's fine. It's a long-range baby-monitor. I can get back to this apartment quicker than most people can get to their kids' bedrooms" Grant says.

"Grant, Grant, this is insane. Look, I'm me, the Doctor, and even I think this is insane" the Doctor says waving his hands about.

"Even him" Nardole adds.

"I can cope," Grant says.

"Of course, you can't. When do you sleep? When are you not on call? How complicated do you need your life to be?" the Doctor asks, the apartment door opens and closes.

"Well, not as complicated as it's about to get. Er, we're in here, Mrs Lombard" Grant calls.

"Oh, Jennifer, look at you, up again? Don't you ever sleep?" Lucy asks.

"Did you have a good evening, Mrs Lombard?"

"Oh, it was work. Why would it be good?"

"Well, I don't know, you seem a little buzzed. I thought maybe you'd met someone."

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