Under The Lake

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The TARDIS materialises. The Doctor talks to the TARDIS.

"What's wrong? You're not happy. Why aren't you happy? Tell me."

"Come on! we're on a roll!" Clara says, her and I are standing in the doorway of the TARDIS "monsters, things blowing up. Oh, hey, can we go back to that place where the people with the long necks have been celebrating New Year for two centuries? I left my sunglasses there. And most of my dignity" Clara looks to me, I shrug.

"Why have you brought us here?" the Doctor asks still talking to the TARDIS.

"Here being?" Clara asks as I shut the TARDIS door.

"Underwater. Some sort of a base. The technology's twenty-second century. Maybe military, maybe scientific" I say.

"Is there a crew?"

"Must be, somewhere, if there's oxygen" they all walk down the corridor.

"I want another adventure. Come on, you both feel the same. You're itching to save a planet, I know it" Clara says walking off the Doctor and I smile following her. We soon walk into the mess hall where there is a big mural of a dragon or serpent threatening some men in a small wooden sailing boat. There is also an overturned chair, along with a lot of mess "Seer, Doctor, look at this."

"Well. Looks like you got your wish" the Doctor replies.

"Food fight?" Clara asks a knife is stuck in a wall. I twang it.

"I think there was more to it than that. Whatever it was, it happened pretty recently" I say, the Doctor sticks his finger into a cup of originally hot liquid.

"Seven or eight hours ago. No bodies, though" the Doctor says.

"And they took provisions. Ok, so something or someone forced the crew to abandon the base. Maybe they went for a swim in the creepy flooded village outside" Clara says as they look through the windows "oh, yeah. You see, this is more like it" she holds out her hand for a high five "oh, come on. Don't leave me hanging" the Doctor walks out of the room. I high five Clara and we follow after a few moments.

"Look. Told you. Crew" the Doctor says as they stop walking, two people are squatting on the floor with their backs towards them "hello, sailors!" the figures stand and turn, their lips moving.

"Right, I did not expect that. Hands up who expected that" the Doctor says, the figures walk forward "wait, wait. I don't think they're going to hurt us. I think that they're just curious" one of the figures stand nose to nose with the Doctor, while the other looks down at Clara and me.

"Are you sure?" Clara asks.

"Well, I mean, define sure. Look at you lovely chaps. What's happened to you, then?" I ask, the figures turn away, still muttering to themselves "Come on" we follow the figures.

"What are they?" Clara asks.

"We haven't a clue. Isn't that exciting?" I ask with a smile.

*Time skip*

The doors open. The three enter and the doors close behind them.

"Where did they go? What is it, some kind of submarine?" Clara asks looking around.

"No, it's alien" I say, we go inside the spaceship. I run my hand over the rectangular object and see the symbols on the wall. Clara picks up the light and shines it on the markings.

"That's weird. The Tardis hasn't translated it" the Doctor says, a strange, hissing sort of sound can be heard. Clara turns.

"Hey, look, they're back" she whispers.

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