Dark Water

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Danny Pink walks through a park, having a nice day out when suddenly his mobile phone rings.


"Shut up."

"Is that how we communicate now?"

"Shut up, shut up, shut up. I need to talk to you."

"All right. Well, I'll be there in a couple of minutes, so..."

"No, no, Not while you're in the room."

"Oh, stupid me. The very idea."

"Shut up!"


"Stay shut up."


"Things to say. Not all of them good."

"Oh, wouldn't it be better If I was actually there?"

"Oh, Danny, everything is better when you're here, but maybe..." Clara turns to look at the array of post-it notes on her bookshelves. Some say PSI, Impossible Girl, Saibra, Vastra, Blinovitch, Robin Hood, Lying and Dinosaur in London "maybe not this. Ok, er. Ok, before all of that. Before all of the stuff that I did wrong..." she takes down the note that says, 'Just Say It' "I love you."

"I love you" Danny is walking out towards the main road.

"No, not like that. Not like it's automatic. Not like it's how you end the phone call, the sign-off, the pat on the back."


"Danny, I'll never say those words again. Not to anybody else, ever. Those words, from me, are yours now" Danny walks out onto the main road. Clara doesn't get a reply so after a pause, she starts speaking again "so, er. That's a thing" just the sound of cars travelling on the road could be head from the other end.

"Ok, Danny? Er, there's more but that's kind of the headline. Ok, Danny, please speak to me, this is, this is killing me" still nothing "Danny, I love you. And you are the last person who's ever going to hear me say that."

"Hello? Hello, is someone there?" a woman's voice sounds from the other side and Clara scrunches her face.

"Hello? Er, yeah. Who's this?"

"I just picked up the phone, I'm sorry. I found it."

"Oh. Er, okay. Er, can you please just put me back on the phone with Danny? I was talking to Danny."

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."

"Ok, er, what are you sorry about? Could you please just pass the phone back to..."

"He was crossing the road. 'I found the phone, it must have just got thrown. The car, it just came out of nowhere. I'm so sorry" the traffic is at a standstill. People have stopped to look, and the emergency services are on their way, sirens wailing. Clara drops the phone and runs along the street. She gets there just as the police are taping the scene off.


"By now, I'm sure you've heard the rumours, and it is with great sadness that I must confirm them to be true" a little shrine with photographs, notes and flowers is set up at the park entrance "I have gathered you all here today to say that Mister Pink, that Danny Pink has sadly passed away. I'm sure you'll all join me in wishing his family and friends our sincerest condolences. Mister Pink was an inspiration to all of those who knew him. A soldier, a teacher, a friend. It was no secret that he had a close relationship with Miss Oswald, and our thoughts and prayers are with her too." The TARDIS is sitting on a ledge in a volcanic caldera.

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