The Women Who Lived pt.2

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Back at Ashildr's manor house, the Doctor calls up the stairs, Me beside him.

"I have a theory about the amulet" an old man clears his throat and comes in from the servant's area.

"Morning, sir. Forgive me, but might I enquire into who you two are?"

"The Doctor and the Seer."

"Clayton, sir, ma'am" Ashildr comes down the stairs in a fuchsia coloured dress with white lace trim "would you care for a cocktail, milady?"

"Oh, yes, please" Clayton leaves, coughing "half blind and deaf as a post. He is no use anymore really, but."

"You keep him on. See, you do have a heart. You don't fool us" I say smiling.

"How do I look?"

"Pink. Are you coming down with something? Look, why would an alien artefact resemble the Eyes of Hades, King of the Underworld?" the Doctor asks, Ashildr takes the jewel from the Doctor and goes into the dining room, putting it into her drawstring purse "an ancient Greek talisman which wards off evil and protects those in death on their journey to an afterlife?"

"You tell me."

"Could it be that the mythology originated on another planet?"

"You can't wait to get going and find out, I'll wager."

"No. I think we want to stick around and keep an eye on you for a while."

"Get me back on track?"

"Well, why not? Hey, we're a good team."

"Then take me with you."

"You don't want to get stuck with us. You have this whole wonderful planet to play on."

"It takes a day to get to Kent."

"In the future, you'll fly."

"I want to fly right now. I have waited longer than I should ever have lived. I have lost more than I can even remember. Please, Doctor, Seer, just get me out of this. I want more than this. I deserve more than this. Why not? Why not?"

"Because it wouldn't be good. Ashildr, please. Ashildr" I say looking towards her.

"I am not Ashildr anymore" something snarls nearby.

"Do you have a cat? It sounds like a very big cat. Hence the very big cat flap" I say lights are coming from behind a pair of doors. The Doctor opens them to reveal a man-sized biped with lights for eyes. It walks forward and the Doctor backs away. The being looks like a lion and is wearing a golden diadem. The lights in its eyes fade.

"Leandro, meet the Doctor and the Seer. You thought I was helping you. In fact, it was the other way round. Leandro, we have it. My friends here were as useful as I'd hoped."

"If somebody needed our help, why did nobody just ask? I am forced to assume you have plans we wouldn't approve of. Oh, Ashildr" the Doctor says shaking his head.

"Stop calling me that."

"Kill me!" the Doctor says.

"Why?" Leandro asks.

"If you intend any harm to this planet or its people, then killing me is by far your best move."

"You invite your own death?"

"No. I just want you to attack first. Then my conscience is clear."

"Of what?"


"You are not of this world, or part of my plans. I have no quarrel with you."

"Then tell me why you are here and what you intend to do. Otherwise, get on with trying to kill me. But I advise you. Be very quick and very sure."

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