Flatline pt.3

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Clara is staring at the cube and tapping her earbud, whilst the train driver is brought up to speed with what happing. The office hasn't been used in a long time. There is a typewriter on a desk, old filing cabinets and a long table.

"They wear your skin?"

"I never thought I'd say this."

"This is insane."

"But I think preferred them when they were flat."

"What do you mean flat?"

"Doctor? Seer?" Clara asks quietly she gets no response "Seer? Doctor? What would you two do now? No. What will I do now? Ok, ok, ok. Ok, the last thing they said was that the TARDIS needed energy. They said if it gets energy, they can beat them." In the TARDIS, the scanner is still sort of working.

"No, no, no. What are you doing?" the Doctor asks. Clara is having an idea. She unrolls an old advertising poster for Bristol LMR out on the table and turns it over, blank side up. She uses the TARDIS as a paperweight and shakes a handy paint spray can.

"Leave her. She's lost it."

"Are you ok?" Rigsy asks.

"Yeah, are you?"

"I think I will be. What's this?"

"Come on, Graffiti Boy, I've got a commission for you" she throws him the spray can.

"I'm flattered but I don't think this is exactly the time."

"Well, fine, if you don't think you're up to it."

"What do you need, exactly?"

*Time skip*

The TARDIS is placed on a metal ledge, and the trio waits on the other side of a two-dimensional locked door.

"You're going to get us killed. This plan's insane."

"You want to walk? Walk. You want to stay? Then shush!" Clara says.

"They're coming!" the strange facsimiles of people stagger along the track to the door. In the TARDIS time is running out.

"Life support failing. We don't know if you'll ever hear this, Clara. We don't even know if you're still alive out there" the Doctor says, the wobbly people aim their red energy at the flat wheel on the steel door.

"But you were good! And you made a mighty fine Doctor" The doctor adds. More and more energy is poured in, and still, the wheel stays flat.

"It's not working. You've killed us all."

"This is going to save us? Pumping energy into the wall?"

"No. Not into the wall. Through the wall. Rule number one of being the Doctor. Use your enemy's power against them" Clara says, the door is directly on the other side of the wall from where the TARDIS is placed, and the red energy is streaming into it "they can't restore three dimensions to a door that never existed" the poster starts to peel off the wall. The TARDIS shakes and power is restored inside. I run to the console and starts using controls. Finally, the cube flies off the ledge changes shape and flies through the air with its familiar sound, growing bigger and bigger until it lands full sized with a thump by the 3D facsimile people. It puts out a forcefield that pushes them away down the track

"It worked. They charged the TARDIS."

"We tried to talk. I want you to remember that. We tried to reach out, we tried to understand you, but I think that you understand us perfectly" the Doctor's words come over the tannoy system.

"And I think you just don't care. And we don't know whether you are here to invade, infiltrate or just replace us" I say

"I don't suppose it really matters now. You are monsters. That is the role you seem determined to play. So, it seems we must play ours" the Doctor and I step out of the TARDIS. Clara, Rigsy and the man come down the ladder.

"The two that stop the monsters. We're sending you back to your own dimension. Who knows? Some of you may even survive the trip. And, if you do, remember this. You are not welcome here. This plane is protected. I am the Seer and this is the Doctor" the Doctor turns, and Clara throws him the sonic screwdriver.

"And I name you The Boneless" the Doctor zaps the forcefield, and pulses of energy make the Boneless disintegrate with a squeal.

*Time skip*

The TARDIS materialises. Everyone gets out, followed by Rigsy who closes the door. The train driver gets down on his knees and kisses the ground. Clara chuckles. Rigsy makes a phone call on Clara's phone.

"Hi, Mum. It's me."

"You all right?" Clara asks.

"I'm alive, and I've been inside that. I think I'm up on the deal. Come here" the train driver and Clara hug. Rigsy is walking away whilst speaking to his mum and the other man is retying his boot laces.

"Thank you. You look chipper" the train driver walks away.

"Do people still say chipper?" Clara asks.

"Apparently. Are you ok?" I ask.

"I'm alive."

"And a lot of people died."

"It's like a forest fire, though, isn't it? The objective is to save the great trees, not the brushwood. Am I right?" the man asks.

"It wasn't a fire, those weren't trees, those were people" the Doctor responds.

"They were Community Payback scumbags, I wouldn't lose any sleep."

"I bet you wouldn't."

"It's good to be alive though. Thank you. Seriously, thank you" and he walks off, too.

"Yes, a lot of people died and maybe the wrong people survived" I say.

"Yeah, but we saved the world, right?" Clara asks.

"We did. You did."

"Ok, so, on balance."

"Balance?" the Doctor asks.

"Yeah, that's how you two think, isn't it?"

"Largely so other people don't have to."

"Yeah, well, I was you today. I was the Doctor. And, apparently, I was quite good at it."

"You heard that, did you?" I ask the Doctor looks at me with squinted eyes.

"Yeah, but the power was going off so I suppose you were delirious. You didn't know what you were saying."

"Yes. Let's go with that" I smile, Rigsy has finished his call with a 'love you' and returns to us.

"Ah! The return of the fluorescent pudding brain" the Doctor says.

"You do realise he can hear you now?" Clara says.

"I know. Your last painting was so good it saved the world. I can't wait to see what you do next."

"It's not going to be easy. I've got a hair band to live up to. Thanks" Rigsy says chuckling, he holds out his hand to Clara, and she pulls him in for a hug.

"Come here" Rigsy leaves "admit it. I did well" her phone rings. It is Danny. She picks the 'I'm in a meeting text' option to end it.

"Is that PE?" the Doctor asks.

"Just say it. Why can't you just say it? Why can't you just say I did good?"

"Talk to soldier boy."

"It's not him. Come on, why can't you say it? I was the Doctor and I was good." the Doctor lets out a long sigh.

"You were an exceptional Doctor, Clara."

"Thank you."

"Goodness had nothing to do with it" Clara laughs.

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