Time Heist

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*Clara's flat*

The TARDIS is parked in the living room. The Doctor is in the tiny kitchen watching Clara's washing spinning in the machine whilst she checks her makeup in the dressing table mirror, I stand behind the Doctor.

"The Satanic Nebula" The Doctor looks at the little goldfish in the bowl on the counter "or the lagoon of lost stars. Or we could go to Brighton. I've got a whole day worked out."

"Sorry, but as you can see, I've got plans," Clara says, she dressed in an open-necked white blouse with a thin black tie knotted halfway down her chest, black trousers with stiletto heels and is putting on a black jacket.

"Have you?" the Doctor asks.

"Look at me."

"Yeah, ok."

"No, no, no. No. Look at me."

"Yep, looking."


"Why is your face all coloured in? Are you taller?"


"What, do you have to reach a high shelf?"

"Right, got to go. Going to be late."

"For a shelf?"

"Bye," a proper, old-fashioned telephone rings. It is the emergency one in the TARDIS, I tilt my head"there you go, you've got another playmate."

"Hardly anyone in the universe has that number" I say.

"Well, I've got it" Clara replies.

"Yes, from some woman in a shop. We still don't know who that was."

"Is that her now?"

"There are very few people that it could be" I go to answer it.


"Why not?"

"Because, if you answer it, something will happen."


"A thing."

"Huh. It's just a phone, Clara. Nothing happens when you answer the phone" she picks up the receiver.


Instead of the telephone, I am holding a large worm with a tiny pair of horns by its jaws up against my face. I scream and throw it onto the round table. Clara and the Doctor also scream and throw away the worms they were holding.

"Seer? Doctor?" Clara asks.

"Don't touch it" the Doctor says.

"Where are we? How did we get here?" a man with computer chips attached to the shaven right side of his head speaks. He is sitting to the left of Clara with his hand on a worm.

"Who are you? Sorry, what's going on? I don't understand" the man says, on his left is a dark-skinned woman. Her cheeks briefly bulge in imitation of the worm's horns.

"Argh! What is that thing?" the women asks.

"It's a memory worm" I say.

"What happened to your face?" Clara asks.

"Deletes your memories" I continues

"Did you see her face?"

"How did I get here?" the women asks.

"The same way we all did, but we've all forgotten," the Doctor says, there is a metal case in the middle of the table.

"And who are you?" the answers are broadcast through a speaker.

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