Time Heist pt.3

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"We can use the shredders and get us back to the ship," Saibra says.

"They're not shredders, they are teleports, and that's not the most interesting thing about them" the Doctor says.

"So, what is?"

"There were seven of them. Hey. Give me a call me some time" the Doctor says.

"Doors opening."

"You'll be dead."

"Yeah, you'll be old. We'll get on famously. You'll be old and full of regret for the things that you can't change" Karabraxos gets into her personal lift.

"Doors closing" the Doctor makes a phone me gesture.

"Seer, Doctor, what the hell is going on?" Psi asks.

"Are you remembering?" Clara asks.

"No, not a thing. But I'm understanding" the Doctor says.

"What? What is it? What are you understanding?"

"I'm not sure yet. I need my memory back. And I think there's only one way to do that."

"Which would be?"

"Soup" I say.

"Soup?" the lift doors open and the Teller enters.

"Hello, big man. Peckish?" the Doctor asks, the Teller grabs the Doctor's mind with its own.

"Doctor!" Clara shouts the pain drives the Doctor to his knees.

"No, no. Let it take me. Let it read me. It's the only way."

"It will kill you."

"What have I told you about pessimism? That's it, that's it. There are so many memories in here. Feast on them. Tuck in. Big scarf, bow tie, bit embarrassing. What do you think of the new look? I was hoping for minimalism, but I think I came up with magician. In the last few days, there's been a block. Can you see the block? Tell me why I'm here. Show me why I'm here. Show me!"


"It's just a phone, Clara. Nothing happens when you answer the phone" I say


"I'm not him" I say.

"Well, he gave me this number. My name is Madame Karabraxos. I was once the wealthiest person in the Universe. I need his assistance. I'm dying, with many, many regrets. But one, perhaps, you and he may be able to help me with" I replace the receiver.

"It's a little detour. It's a, it's a job, we've got to do it for someone. Come on" I say as we all walk into the TARDIS.

"We need to rob a bank," the Doctor says.

"What?" Clara asks.

"Clara, I need worms" I say, as I set the time rotor going and scrolls through various faces, including Psi, Saibra, and the man Saibra would transform into. The Doctor shakes hands with the man then transfers the skin cells to the device in the first case "the Bank of Karabraxos has never been breached" Saibra and Psi delete their memories, then Clara strokes the worm.

"Architect" the Doctor works to disguise his voice.






"Architect" the Doctor then places the cases where they will be found later "you will rob the Bank of Karabraxos" and reveals himself to be the shadow in the hood.

*Flashback Over*

The Teller releases the Doctor.

"Did you see why we came? Why we're here? We had to delete our own memories, otherwise you'd have known, and then she'd have known because you were mentally linked. But she's gone now. They've all gone. They have no power over you now. You can do exactly what you want to do now. Exactly what you've always wanted to do" a small lock turns on the wall.

"It knows the combination," Psi says.

"Of course, it does. It was linked to Karabraxos" I say.

"What exactly are we doing here? That thing killed people" Clara says.

"Well, so might you do, to protect everything you loved," the Doctor says the safe door swings open to reveal a second creature in a strait-jacket. It wails "there she is. Not the last of its species. The last two" Psi works to unchain her "it's ok, it's ok. It's all right."

"Exit strategy. We've got seven shredders" Saibra says.

"Exactly. This wasn't a bank heist. It never was. It was a rescue mission for a whole species. Flesh and blood, the last currency" I say, the lights flicker "time to go home. What do you think of that, big man?" he lets out a big roar, I smile.

*Time skip*

"So much mental traffic in the universe. Solitude is the only peace" freed of their clothing and restraints, the two telepathic beings walk off together, while the Doctor, Clara and I stand in front of the TARDIS.

*Time skip*

The TARDIS is in flight and the five are eating take-out with chopsticks.

"Cesare Borgia, mucho scary hombre, says to me, what do you think of our Leaning Tower of Pisa? I say" the Doctor leans sideways "it looks okay to me" everyone laughs. Later, they're saying goodbye.

"If you two ever need help with another bank heist" the Doctor shakes Psi's hand, I smile and also shake his hand, Clara hugs him.

"Yeah, it's not really their area," Clara says, the Doctor makes the Phone Me sign. Psi leaves. Later, Saibra hugs the Doctor.

"See? I don't have your face now."

"Yeah. I kind of miss that."

"Oh, shut up" Saibra leave the TARDIS. The Doctor rubs his arm where Saibra had squeezed him. Lastly, the TARDIS stops and the Doctor and ai look at Clara.

"7.12, local time, as promised. Go and enjoy yourself. Don't do anything we wouldn't do" I say.

"It's a date. You know, I've just realised. I'm going out for another meal now."

"Don't worry. Calories consumed on the TARDIS have no lasting effect" the Doctor says.

"What? Are you kidding?"

"Of course, I'm kidding. It's a time machine, not a miracle worker. Bye, bye" the Doctor says.

"See you. Don't rob any banks."

"Don't rob any banks what?"

"Without me."

"Course not, boss" I reply, Clara leaves.

"Robbing a bank. Robbing a whole bank. Beat that for a date" the Doctor says.

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