Time Heist pt.2

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"Where are we?" Saibra asks, the Doctor peers at the Teller in his humid glass case, and it reacts.

"Nobody move. Nobody say a word. It's cocooned. Forced hibernation. Its power is probably dormant" the Doctor says, there are running boots and voices outside. The Teller moves.

"Clara. It's locked on to you. It may still be asleep. Don't wake it" I say.

"Ok. How do I not do that?"

"Keep your mind blank. Block everything. Once it locks onto your thoughts, it won't let go" the Teller growls gently. Clara closes her eyes

"It's waking up. Keep blocking your thoughts, Clara. Don't think" the creature roars.

"This way" Saibra sees legs running past another grill as they return to the one they came through, she gets trapped.

"Saibra!" Psi shouts.

"She's still in there. How do we get her out?" Clara asks.

"It's scanning her brain," the Doctor says.

"Then what?" Psi asks.


"Then help her," Clara says, Saibra is in pain.

"Saibra" I say.

"What should I do? How can I get away?"

"It's rooting through your brain. It's tasting all the secrets stashed inside. Any moment now, it will finish its sweep and start feasting on what's left."

"And then I become one of those things we saw sitting in a cage?"


"Can you not get me out?"

"I'm sorry. I don't know how, once it's locked onto your thoughts."

"Exit strategy. That means what I think it means, right?" I hold out one of the tubes through the grill.

"Atomic shredder."


"And instant."

"When you meet the Architect, promise me something. Kill him."

"We hate him, but I can't make that promise."

"A good women and man. I left it late to meet one of those" she uses the shredder and vanishes in bright blue light. The Teller roars in frustration, they exit through another grill. A big round vault door is at the end of the corridor.

"Right, vault. That's clear. What's not clear is what we do now" the Doctor says.

"Hey. You ok?" Clara asks.

"No, I'm an amnesiac robbing a bank. Why would I be ok?" the Doctor asks.

"Because Saibra."

"What? Saibra is dead, we are alive. Prioritise if you want to stay that way."

"Oh, is that why you call yourself the Doctor? The professional detachment" Psi says.

"Listen. When we're done here, by all means, you go and find yourself a shoulder to cry on. You'll probably need that. Till then, what you need is me" the Doctor says, the Doctor walks away towards the vault.

"Underneath it all, he isn't really like that" I say walking after the Doctor.

"It's very obvious that you've been with him for a while," Psi says looking at Clara.


"Because you are really good at the excuses" the Doctor finds a case in a computer access alcove by the vault door.

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