The Witch's Familiar pt.2

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Clara is inside the Dalek casing, which has its front panels open. Missy is attaching electrodes to her head.

"How am I supposed to make it go? Are there pedals?" Clara asks.

"Telepathic control. Open wide" Missy says, Clara opens her mouth "I meant your skull. Never mind" there's a beep as the electrodes penetrate Clara's skull.


"Shh, shh, now, don't worry."


"There's loads of nano-tech repairing any damage as the feed goes in."

"What about when it comes out?"

"No idea. Nobody knows. Anyway, to control the unit, you just have to think. Novel idea for you, but let's try it. Move forwards."

"I don't know how to" she gasps as the Dalek moves forwards.

"You see?"

"Oh! How did I do that?"

"Circle right."

"I can't" she circles right.

"Circle left. There you go. All right, this won't hurt a bit" Missy touches a control and the Dalek casing starts to close up around Clara.

"Hang on. No, Missy. No, no, no, no! No, Missy. Missy, no, no, no, please don't! Don't, don't, please!" there's a clang.

"Are you ok?" Missy asks.

"Fine, I think. Ok. That's a bit weird."

"Just a bit. Ok. All right. Shh. Say your name."


"Just, just say. Just say it."


"Say it again."

"Dalek. Dalek."

"One more time."

"I am a Dalek! I am a Dalek! I am a Dalek! I am a Dalek!" as Missy laughs, the gun fires.

"Whoa! Just don't get emotional. Emotion fires the gun. Ok?"

"I do not understand."

"Say I love you. Those exact words. Don't ask me why just say it."

"Exterminate" Missy laughs.

"Say, you are different from me."

"Exterminate! Exterminate!"

"Say, "Ex-ter-min-ate!"

"Exterminate!" Missy laughs, then dodges about as Clara spins the Dalek, firing its gun "exterminate! Exterminate! Exterminate! Exterminate! Exterminate!"

"Cybermen suppress emotion. Daleks channel it through a gun. That's why they keep yelling exterminate. It's how they reload. So, let's go and kill them. Come on."


"There is a question, Seer, Doctor. One I have longed to ask."

"Yeah, well, if you're going to put your hand on our knee, it isn't going to go well" I reply.

"Why did you both leave Gallifrey?"

"Well, because we did."

"You both stole the TARDIS and ran and ran. Why?"

"It's a boring place, Gallifrey. We were going out of our mind."

"Yet you both long to return."

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