The Zygon Invasion (Pt.1) pt.2

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Two Land Rovers are let through a check point. They drive past some soldiers fitting missiles to drone aircraft registration 1028. Inside, an American woman is controlling an attack drone in flight.

"Approaching target at 1-00-65-12. Confirm strike order."

"Order confirmed."

"At ease. I'm the President of the World. I'm here to rescue people and generally establish happiness all over the place. The Doctor. Doctor Funkenstein" the Doctor says.

"Yes, we know who you are."

"Going to strike altitude."

"What's going on here? Fun and games?" I ask.

"We're seven hundred metres lower, seven hundred metres lower than planned. Over."

"You're not bombing that town. That's where they're holding our friend" I say.

"They're dangerous. And your friend is almost certainly dead. I'm not going to allow them to disperse. You can't track a shape-shifter."

"Visual on the target."

"Confirm strike."

"Colonel," the Doctor says

"Confirm strike" but the woman is looking at the image on her screen, and seeing a man and boy waving at her.

"Confirm strike. Confirm strike. Confirm strike!"

"Strike aborted. Strike aborted."

"Well, that's interesting" the Doctor murmurs.


The Zygon rebel symbol is present, on the painted Mexican-style buildings. There are no signs of life apart from some tumbleweed. Kate stops, gets out and walks over to a sign on a wall - No Dogs - to which the words No British have been added. She is watched as she checks her map then takes out her gun before walking to the same Police Station that Osgood ran into. The place is a mess.

"Hello? Hello?" she puts her gun away and looks at the notice board by the desk that Osgood had hidden beneath. There is a photograph of Osgood at a gas station. A policewoman points her gun at Kate and cocks it.

"You one of them?"

"I'm a friend. I've come to help."

"Alone? Have you come to help alone?"

"What happened here?"

"You must have brought backup. Where's your backup? Tell me!"

"First, tell me why I need it."


"We think it's a Zygon training camp. We never see more than one or two of them outside at any one time. But they always take different shapes, we don't know how many there really are. We don't know how they come and go. Whether they go through tunnels, or whether they turn into dogs and run out across the hills.

"So, that's what we'll find out," the Doctor says.

"We should have that gas. We should be able to rip them inside out."

"Colonel, take it easy. They're trying to unsettle you. They're trying to make you paranoid and panicked" I say.

"Any living thing in this world, including my family and friends, could turn into a Zygon and kill me, any second now. It's not paranoia when it's real."


"I've been looking into this. There have been reports all over London of strange activity in lifts. I've patched into CCTV from Scotland Yard. All the elevators I can find. Now, this is SOAS. People dragging bundles. They go down, down, down, down, down, down. A few minutes go by, and then..." the screen flickers, goes black, then the lights come back on and the lift is empty "they're all gone. There is something very wrong happening underneath London" Jac says.

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