Kill The Moon pt.3

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"I've given us an hour. There's a cut-out here. If anyone has any bright ideas, or if they come back, that stops it. But once it's pressed, it stays pressed."

"And if they don't come back?" Clara asks.

"I didn't expect to survive anyway."

"They're going to come back, though, right? Aren't they, Miss?" Courtney asks.

"Hey, why don't you call me Clara?"

"I prefer Miss, Miss. We just need to make up our minds, that's all. Well, you know them."

"I think they really might just be leaving it to us" the communications system on the computer console crackles.

"Can anybody hear me? Come in, please. Can anybody..."


"This is ground control."

"Yeah, yeah, I can tell by your haircut. How are things down there?"

"Pretty bad. Yeah. Pretty bad. Listen, we're patched into one of the TV satellites. We haven't got long. How are things up there?"

"Can we broadcast on this?" Clara asks.

"Who are you?"

"School trip. Can we broadcast on this?"

"Well, yes..."

"Hello, Earth. We have a terrible decision to make. It's an uncertain decision and we don't have a lot of time. We can kill this creature or we can let it live. We don't know what it's going to do, we don't know what's going to happen when it hatches. If it will hurt us, help us, or just leave us alone. We have to decide together. This is the last time we'll be able to speak to you, but you can send us a message. If you think we should kill the creature, turn your lights off. If you think we should take the chance, let it live, leave your lights on. We'll be able to see. Goodnight, Earth" transmission ends "was that ok?" Clara asks.

"Yeah" the lights flicker. Clara takes Courtney's hand.

"Come on. Let's see" Lundvik picks up the trigger case and they walk along a corridor. The moon shakes and the power fluctuates. They run to a porthole as something explodes in flames behind them, Clara looks out at the Earth with a small pair of binoculars. The only visible artificial lights are of course Europe and the Americas. Africa, Asia. Thirty-nine minutes to go, then thirty-two. Lights go out across the world. Eighteen minutes, five. The planet finishes going dark.

"Night, night" Courtney mutters.

"Oh, Doctor and Seer, where have you gone?" Clara whispers.

"We can't risk it all just to be nice."



"Nine seconds."

"You can't!"

"Sorry, girls. See you on the other side. Two..." Clara hits the cut-out switch. Detonation aborted "hey!" the TARDIS materialises.

"One, two, three, into the TARDIS" I say.

"What's happening?"

"Let's go and have a look, shall we?" they go inside and the Doctor sets the TARDIS into motion.

"Bloody idiots. Bloody irresponsible idiots" the Doctor walks over to Lundvik.

"Mind your language, please, there are children present."

"You should have left me there, let me die. I wanted to die up there with the universe in front of me, not being crushed to death on Earth."

"Nobody's going to die" I say.

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