The Return Of Doctor Mysterio pt.3

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Sim is working at a keyboard when Brock walks up.

"Ah, welcome, brother. How is your vehicle?" Sim asks the sound of cracking can be heard as Brock adjusts his skull.

"A little cramped."

"It will relax with wear. Observe this. The finest vehicle this planet has to offer" Sim points to the CCTV footage of his encounter with The Ghost.

"Interesting. And can it be acquired?"

"A plan is being formulated."

"These two. Who are they?" Brock asks pointing to the Doctor and me.

"I'm not sure. But they may be dangerous."

"They don't look dangerous."

"Boo! I'm talking to you live!" the lights come on "in person! You can jump back in your skins now. Except, of course, they're not your skins, are they?" the Doctor asks as he and I stand a couple feet away.

"What do you want?" Brock asks.

"Mercy," the Doctor says.

"We have none."

"It's not a request, it's an offer. We'll give you a head start. We'll close our eyes and we'll count to ten. We will make no attempt to follow you. But, starting now, all of you, everywhere, pack your bags and get off of this planet" I say.

"Are you declaring war on us?"

"I am drawing a line, and I'm suggesting you step back from it with awesome speed."

"Then war it is" Brock opens its head along the diagonal scar, reaches in and takes out a weapon.

"Multi-nucleate organism, functioning as an infinitely adaptable, independently functioning, peripatetic central nervous system. Good to keep an open mind. Ha! Of course, it won't work" the Doctor says.

"What won't work?"

"Whatever it is, whatever you've got planned. Stating the obvious, you've set up in every capital city in the world, so clearly, the plan is to unzip the head of every world leader, pop yourselves inside. Of course, you can't just roll up with a team of surgeons to the White House or to the Kremlin, because they've got big fences, shouty people and cross dogs."

"They will come to us, and they will come running," Sim says.

"Oh. I very much doubt it. Take this!" I take a round object wrapped in paper from my pocket. Sim takes it "yes, take that!"

"Who are you two?"

"There have been many attempts to conquer the Earth. We've lost count. Not one of them has succeeded. Not a single one. They all lost and burned and ran. That's who we are" the Doctor puts his fingers in his mouth and whistles.

"What is this?" Sim asks.

"It's a burger. I always bring a snack. But I don't want it now. He's put me off my dinner" I say waving my hand about as the TARDIS materialises around the Doctor and me "very good. Right on target."

"Trial and error, to be honest. A few accidental stop-offs along the way" Nardole replies he is wearing ornate bejewelled robes, a headdress and concentrating on flying the TARDIS smoothly.

"Where'd you get the robes?" the Doctor asks.

"Twelfth-century Constantinople. I ruled firmly, but wisely" the Doctor moves a lever, Nardole moves it back.

"Ah, ah, ah. How did it go?"

"Oh, you know. Issued a warning, donated a burger, nicked some stationery. The Ghost. What have you got?" I ask.

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