Under The Lake pt.3

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"It's the suspended-animation chamber from the spaceship," the Doctor says as they stand outside the spaceship.

"So, the pilot could be in there" Clara replies.

"There's something inside there. But it's deadlock sealed. We can't open it. It should be the pilot, it should be. So why do I think it isn't? More questions. Everything we solve, just more questions. We have to go back to the beginning. We arrive, we see the ghosts. They don't kill us. They lead us here, they show us the spaceship. Then they try to kill us" I say as I go inside the spaceship and looks at the symbols on the wall "not translated by the TARDIS. Why?" I clean my sonic sunglasses and put them on to look at the scratched marks, a minute or so later I take them off and come out into the hangar and speaks to Cass
"Lunn, translate for me. Whenever we step outside, you are the smartest person in the room. So, tell me, what's weird about this? I know that it's all bonkers but, you know, when you think about it, one thing keeps snagging in your mind. What is it?"

"The markings on the inside of the spaceship," Lunn says.

"The markings on the inside of the spaceship. Yes! Why?"

"I don't think they're just words."

"They're not. They're magnets."

"Magnets? How?" Bennett asks.

"Well, a localised and manufactured electromagnetic field, to be precise. The dark. The sword. The forsaken. The temple. When we heard the coordinates for the first time, did anyone expect them not to be that? No, exactly. Me neither. It's like we already knew, somehow. Like the words were already in us" the Doctor says.

"So that writing is the coordinates?" O'Donnell says.

"Everything we see, or experience shapes us in some way. But these words actually rewrite the synaptic connections in your brain. They literally change the way you are wired. Clara, why don't we have a radio in the TARDIS?" I ask.

"You and the Doctor took it apart and used the pieces to make a clockwork squirrel."

"And because whatever song I heard first thing in the morning, I was stuck with. Two weeks of Mysterious Girl by Peter Andre. I was begging for the brush of Death's merciful hand. Don't you see? These words are an earworm. A song you can't stop humming, even after you die" the Doctor says.

"Ok, so, the spaceship lands here. The pilot leaves the writing on the wall so whoever sees it, when they die, they become a beacon of the coordinates, while he slash she slash it snoozes in the suspended-animation chamber" Clara says.

"Waiting for his slash her slash its mates to pick the message up. My God. Every time I think it couldn't get more extraordinary, it surprises me. It's impossible. I hate it. It's evil. It's astonishing. I want to kiss it to death" the Doctor mutters, just as an alarm sounds.

"Attention, all crew. Evacuate base immediately. Emergency protocols have been initiated. This safety message was brought to you by Vector Petroleum. Fuel for our futures" O'Donnell runs to a wall touch screen. It says Flooding Initiated. Reactor Malfunction. Emergency Cooling.

"Oh, no. The ghosts tampering with the day-night settings caused a computer malfunction. Its first priority is to keep the reactor cool, so it's opening the hull doors and it's flooding the base" O'Donnell says, as water gushes into the corridors.

"Cass says, close the internal flood doors. That'll contain the water in the central corridor" Lunn says.

"Where's the TARDIS?" I ask.

"On the other side," O'Donnell says.

"We need to get there. It's our only way out."

"Ok. We've got thirty seconds before the flood doors close."

*Time skip*

"Come on!" Clara shouts to Lunn, O'Donnell and Bennett make it across the central corridor before the flood door closes. Clara, the Doctor, Lunn and Cass are trapped on the other side "Seer!" I dive under the other closing door just in time. I activates the intercom.

"I'll get you and the others out. Sit tight, I'll come back for you" I say.

"Just come over here in the TARDIS now."

"The TARDIS won't go here. It won't go near the ghosts" the Doctor says looking at Clara.

"She can't just leave us!" Clara replies.

"Listen to me. I'm going back in time to when this spaceship landed. If I can understand why this is happening, I can stop them from killing anyone else. I can save you. You trust me, don't you, Clara?" I ask, the water fills the central corridor between them. Clara nods.

"Wait, you're going to go back in time? How do you do that?" Bennett asks.

"Extremely well."

*Time skip*

"You're sure they're not going to hurt us?" Lunn asks.

"They can't get out of the Faraday cage" the Doctor replies, in the TARDIS I take off the handbrake and the TARDIS dematerialises. Bennett and O'Donnell have acquired coats and scarves.

"Back to before the flood" I say, back in the mess hall, Lunn is reading Cass is sign language.

"And you're sure the Seer won't just leave us here?"

"Guys, look, this is how we roll. She's going to go away, come back and we'll have to listen to how she did it" Clara says, the Doctor is looking through one of the big windows, the others join him to see a figure approaching the Drum through the water from the village.

"Guys, look, this is how we roll. She's going to go away, come back and we'll have to listen to how she did it" Clara says, the Doctor is looking through one of the big windows, the others join him to see a figure approaching the Drum through the water from the village.

"Is it Moran or Pritchard or the mole guy? How, how did they get out?" Lunn asks.

"No, I don't think it's any of them. I think it's a new ghost" the Doctor says.

"What does that mean?" Lunn asks.

"It means that something happened in the past, it means that somebody else must have. Oh, no. Oh, no, no, no, no" Clara whispers, the pale ghostly figure with empty eye sockets is the Seer.

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