The Caretaker pt.3

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*Danny's flat*

"What do you think? Say something" Clara says.

"So, there are two aliens, one that used to look like Adrian. Then he turned into a Scottish caretaker and every now and then, when I'm not looking, you elope with him.

"I don't elope."

"Do you love him?"


"Really had enough of the lies."

"Not in that way."

"What other way is there?"

"You know what I mean."

"I don't know what you mean. I know what you tell me, which isn't always the truth."


"Why do you do it? Why do you fly off in the box with them? The truth. Please, just this once."

"Because it's amazing. Because I see wonders."


"What are you thinking?"

"That's a good question. It's funny, you only really know what someone thinks of you when you know what lies they've told you. I mean, you say you've seen wonders, you've seen amazing things, and you kept them secret from me. So, what do you think of me, Clara?"

"Please, tell me how I fix this."

"I just want to know who you are."

"You know who I am."

"When you're with them. When you're with the Doctor and the Seer." 

*Time skip*

Clara comes out of the storeroom with one of the invisibility watches.

"Ok, I think we've just got time before parents' evening" Clara whispers.

"An invisibility watch? Not even a ring" Danny puts it on.

"Press the button on the side, you're invisible. You'll see me with the Doctor and the Seer, the other me. The exactly the same other me. Ok?"


The Doctor is building a contraption with the help from me.

"Afternoon. Thanks for keeping out of our way. You haven't brought Dave with you, I hope" the Doctor says.

"His name's Danny. And no, I haven't. I've er, I explained it all to him. He gets it. He took it really well" Clara says.

"Pass me that synestic" I say, Clara does so.

"So, when the Blitzer comes back, are you going to catch him with that?"

"It'll be a long, fiddly job. It's going to take us at least twenty-four hours. Even longer if people keep talking to us, so do keep going" the Doctor says.

"If it comes back Thursday night, are you both sure about that? Cos, you said the Chronodyne is unstable."

"If you want to bother someone, go and bother PE," the Doctor says.

"He's a maths teacher."

"That's a shame, I like maths."

"Not a soldier."


"What is?"

"I'm bored. Let's go somewhere fun. What do you say? Do you want to see the Thames frozen over? Oh, those frost fairs" the Doctor goes around the console, setting controls. Clara follows, returning them to neutral, I look behind me.

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