The Husband Of River Song

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"So, why are we here again?" I ask as I lean against the console.

"Because I have a feeling that this Christmas we'll have no-" the Doctor is cut off knocking on the door "interruptions" the Doctor answers it. He has two felt antlers sticking straight up on the top of his head, I giggle to myself "Is there anything on my head?" the Doctor asks looking at the small bald man in front of him.

"Er, well, yes."

'Describe it."

"Well, you've sort of got antlers."


"Yes, antlers."

"Antlers! Hmm" the Doctor goes back inside, leaving the door slightly ajar.

"You are a time-space machine. You're a vehicle! I've never asked you to cheer me up with hologrammatic antlers!" the Doctor shouts causing me to laugh as the TARDIS makes a brief engine noise, he looks at me with a frown, I kiss him on the nose "thank you" the Doctor returns to the door, minus the antlers.

"Can I help you?"

"Yes. Are you the surgeon?"

"Close enough. Why?"

"Well, you know."

"I don't know."

"There's a medical emergency" the man turns and starts to walk away.

"Will there be singing?"


"Fine, then" the Doctor looks back at me and holds out his hand for me to take, once I'm out the Doctor closes the TARDIS door and the two of us follow the man.

"We weren't sure where you'd come down."


"In your capsule."

"I'm never sure. I don't like being sure about things. One minute you're sure, the next everybody turns into lizards and a piano falls on you."

"A piano?"

"It's been a long day" I say, we walk down the street, past all the lights and decorations. Another man carrying a medical bag comes out of a side street and speaks to a passing woman.

"So, what's the medical emergency?" the Doctor asks.

"Didn't you read the agreement?"

*Time skip*

"There it is."

"What?" the Doctor asks.

"There. That's it."

"That's what? Oh, the flying saucer. Is that new?" a door in the saucer opens, a figure in a white fur-trimmed hooded red floor-length cloak, walks forward down the ramp to meet them.

"Come on."

"Well, you took your time," the person says.

"Sorry, ma'am. This is him. This is the surgeon."

"Hello," the Doctor says.

"You don't look much like your pictures."

"Well, that's an ongoing problem for me.

"Doesn't look very impressive, does he? Nardole, what have you brought to my doorstep?"

"I've had a haircut. This is my best suit."

"It's not even a suit."

"Do I know you?"

"You most certainly do not" the person throws back the hood. I smile broadly "and now that you've met me, you'll do your very best to forget me."

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