The Women Who Lived pt.3

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"Last thing I remember is you turning up, Doctor, Seer. Good thing too. Between you and me, I was running out of material" Sam says.

"Yeah, I could tell. Gave a whole new meaning to dying on stage" I say.

"Gallows humour can be tricky, but at least there's never a second house. We've nearly finished these. I'll get some more in. Oh, by the way, I've not forgotten that kiss" Sam walks away from the table.

"Is he immortal now?" Ashildr asks.

"Do you want him to be?" the Doctor asks.

"I don't think I want anyone to be."

"Well, probably not. Probably the power would have been drained by the whole opening and reversing the portal thingy. There'll be enough power to bring him back, but not enough power to keep him here, probably."

"Did you just make all of that up?"

"Yeah. But it's hard to keep track of all this stuff. Keep an eye on him though. He might be around for a while. Or not. Who can say?"

"You're still not going to take me with you, are you."

"People like us, we go on too long. We forget what matters. The last thing we need is each other. We need the mayflies. See, the mayflies, they know more than we do. They know how beautiful and precious life is because it's fleeting. Look how Sam Swift made every last moment count, right to the gallows. Look how glad he is to be alive. I looked into your eyes and I saw my worst fears. Weariness. Emptiness" I say.

"That's why you can't travel with me. Our perspectives are too vast. Too far away."

"You're not the first, you know. We did travel with another immortal once. Captain Jack Harkness."

"Who?" Ashildr asks.

"He'll get round to you eventually. Who told you about us? The man who comes for the battle and runs away from the fallout."

"Take your pick. You've had an impact on this world. You've made waves."

"Sometimes tidal waves," the Doctor says.

"I'm flattered."

'Well, you should be. You're an extraordinary woman, Ashildr. But I think we're going to have to keep an eye on you."



"Someone has to look out for the people you abandon. Who better than me? I'll be the patron saint of the Doctor and the Seer's leftovers. While you're busy protecting this world, I'll get busy protecting it from you."

"So, are we enemies now?"

"Of course not. Enemies are never a problem. It's your friends you have to watch out for. And, my friends, I'll be watching out for you."

"Ashildr, I think we're very glad we saved you" I smile.

"Oh, I think everyone will be."

*Time skip*

The Doctor is playing some sad guitar chords, I am leaning against the console with a book in my hands suddenly the TARDIS door opens.

"Hey! Hello?" Clara says walking in.

"Oh, hello! Hi" I smile.

"Did you miss me?"

"Be more specific. Who are you?" the Doctor asks.

"Ha, ha. I've got a present for you two."

"Why? Are we ill?"


"Are you ill?"


"Are you never going to travel with us again, because I said a thing?"

"It's not a good present."

"Oh, well that's a relief."

"Ok, Evie Hubbard? Year Seven, you both helped her out with her homework? Imaginary interview with Winston Churchill. You basically cheated."

"That was her fault because she should have stressed imaginary" I say.

"Anyway, she got an A and so she has sent you both a selfie" Clara holds up her phone for them to see the photograph. We turn away.

"Yes, you're right. That is not a good present" the Doctor says.

"Come on."

"Do they make sherbet lemons anymore? And I'd like a Ferrari. What about a Ferrari?" the Doctor asks.

"Hmm. I knew you'd be thrilled.

"Ok, come on, let us see, let us see. Let us see, let us see" Clara hands over her phone with the photograph of herself, Evie and the certificate. He enlarges it, and in the background is Ashildr, keeping an eye on Clara.

"What's wrong?" Clara asks.

"Nothing. Nothing at all" I say.

"Seer, Doctor?"

"Tell her next time, we'll take cash," the Doctor says.

"So, where are you going to take me?"

"Wherever you want."

"Hmm. Somewhere, somewhere magical. Somewhere new."

"Ah, there is nowhere new under the sun. Above it, on the other hand," Clara hugs me from behind as I set the coordinates.

"We've missed you, Clara Oswald."

"Well, don't worry. I'm not going anywhere" the Doctor and I say as Clara pulls the lever and the TARDIS dematerialises.

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