Death In Heaven pt.2

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"Localised rain in the cemeteries has resulted in what can only be described as disturbances to the soil. Extraordinary eyewitness accounts are claiming that silver creatures are climbing from the graves" other people, both military and civilian, are also at the briefing, I am sitting beside the Doctor.

"These scenes are being repeated everywhere. Every cemetery, every mortuary, every funeral home, every hospital, the dead are returning to life as Cybermen" Kate says.

"The public are being advised to stay away from all cemeteries."


Clara wakes amongst old headstones and stands as thunder rumbles overhead. She puts on her coat and walks past graves where the gravel covering is starting to move, pushed from below.

"Hello? Hello?" an urn topples over as a hand is pushed out of the ground. Someone who died in 1748 reaches up to their headstone.


"We've done heat scans of some of the cemeteries and, in each case, only a handful of Cybermen have so far emerged. But every individual burial site is active" Kate says.

"Active?" Ahmed asks.

"Hatching," the Doctor says.

"More are coming. Potentially millions" Kate says.

"So, the rain caused all that in just a few hours?" Ahmed asks.

"It wasn't rain, Man Scout. It was pollen" the Doctor says.

"Cyber-pollen. Every tiny particle of a Cyberman contains the plans to make another Cyberman. All it has to do is to make a contact with compatible living organic matter and bang! Full conversion. But if they have learned how to convert the dead..." I look at the monitor showing Missy down in the Cargo Hold "that's what she was doing. That's what 3W was for. She creates an all-new paranoia among the super-rich about dying. She exploits the wealth and the mortal remains of selected idiots so she can create a whole new race of Cybermen. Cybermen who can recruit corpses. Throw away your guns, Man Scout, it's all over. How can you win a war against an enemy that can weaponise the dead?" I ask. Clara backs away from a Cyberman that is forcing its way out from underneath its monument. Then she sees all the others rising from their graves and stepping out of their mausoleums.

"They're not attacking, apart from isolated incidents. They're just wandering about" Ahmed replies.

"They're newborns. Give them time. Why were you there this morning? Why were you already attacking?" the Doctor asks looking at Kate.

"Been investigating 3W for a while, then we got a tip-off."

"From a woman with a Scottish accent," Ahmed adds.

"Can't play to the gallery unless there's a gallery, and here I am" I whisper, Missy sticks her tongue out.

"Dead bodies don't have minds, of course, but she's been upgrading dying minds to a hard drive for a long time. So, she upgrades the hardware, and then she updates the software" the Doctor says.

"What do you mean, a long time? How long?" Kate asks.

"Well, she must have a TARDIS somewhere, so as long as she likes. The past, the future."

"How long, Doctor?"

"How long has the human race had a concept of an afterlife? Turns out the afterlife is real, and it's emptying. Every graveyard on planet Earth is about to burst its banks" I reply.


In the cargo hold, Missy is singing.

"Hey, Missy, you're so fine, you're so fine you blow my mind. Hey, Missy. Hey" she looks over to Osgood "excuse me. Hi. Can I tell you something really important?"

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