Pilot pt.2

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"No interference here, as far as I can see. The vault's secure" I say. 

"So, your box can move? It can go anywhere it likes?" Bill asks.

"Mmm. Good, innit?" Nardole asks.

"Anywhere at all, in the whole university?" I scan the vault door with my screwdriver.

"Is it my imagination or is this taking longer than normal?" Bill looks back inside the TARDIS.

"Hang on. The room's still inside the box. This isn't a knock-through."

"No" the Doctor replies.

"Seer! Doctor! It's bigger on the inside than it is on the outside!" Bill says.

"Way-hey! We got there!" Nardole and the Doctor shake hands.

"How is that possible? How do you do that?"

"Well, first you have to imagine a very big box fitting inside a very small box," Nardole says.

"Ok," Bill replies.

"Then you have to make one. It's the second part people normally get stuck on."

"Can we shut up, please? Busy, busy. I need to know if there's any interest in what's inside this vault" I murmur.

"Why, what's inside it?" Bill asks.

"Something I don't want anyone being too curious about."

"So, you put it in the middle of a university?"

"Ooo, valid point. Yeah, nice" Nardole says.

"Either the creature came here specifically for what's in here, or it's just a coincidence," the Doctor says.

"It's just a coincidence," Bill says crossing her arms.

"Well, we can't know that for sure."

"Yeah, we can. It was here for ages before it did anything. If it had work to do, why would it lie around in a puddle?"

"I don't know. Maybe it's a student?"

"Oh," Nardole laughs "banter. It's good, this. Your go again" liquid is pouring down the cellar steps.

"Nardole, we need to move away from the doors and towards the TARDIS" I say, liquid pours down the steps, then Heather rises from the puddle at the bottom.

"What if it attacks us?" Nardole asks.

"Well, that's the good news. It means it's not interested in what's inside the vault. It just wants to kill us."


"Run!" I shout as Heather screams

"It's not interested in the vault, it's chasing us. Let's give it a proper challenge. Let's see how far she's prepared to go" I set the TARDIS into motion

"But what about my friend? What about Heather? Can you save her?"

"First things first. Let's see if we can survive her" the Doctor goes outside. Nardole shrugs.

"But..." Bill looks around.


"We've moved again."

"We have."

"It was night."


"Now it's day."

"Definitely day."

"Oh, my God! Have we travelled in time?"

"No, of course not. We've travelled to Australia" the Doctor and I step aside to reveal Sydney Opera House on the other side of the harbour. Bill dashes into the restroom to splash her face with water.

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