Dark Water pt.3

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"Fakery. All of it. It's a con, it's a racket!" the Doctor says.

"I promise you this is not a con" Chang replies.

"What's that beeping?" Clara asks.

"Never mind about beeping. Who cares about beeping? The dead are dead. 'They're not talking to you out of your television sets. They're just gone and all these poor souls down there in these tanks, I'm sorry, but they're just dead and they're not coming back" the Doctor says as Chang manipulates a device.

"Clara? Clara? Clara, are you there?"

"Danny! I can hear you. Is that you?" Clara asks.


"Oh, please, say it's you," Clara says.

"That's her, that's Clara!" Danny says, looking at Seb.

"Yeah, you're really lucky. It hardly ever happens" Seb replies, the connection is audio only on Seb's tablet, then the signal drops out.

"Where did she go?"


"Just lost the signal. But I can track it back, I'm pretty sure" Chang says.

"I don't, I don't understand. What is happening?" Clara asks.

"We've been scanning you telepathically since you came in. You said you wanted to speak to someone who'd passed, and we've found you a match in the Nethersphere."

"This isn't possible. The dead don't come back" I say, behind her, the skeleton in the tank stands up.

"Come on, get her back," Danny says.

"Da-da-da. I'm trying" Seb replies.


"It was him. It was his voice" Clara says.

"If they scanned you telepathically, they could've lifted a voice print. It could still be a fake" the Doctor says.

"Getting him back, very nearly!" Chang says the signal is back at 99%.

"Clara, can you hear me?" Danny asks.

"Yes, Danny, I can hear you. Can you hear me?"

"Yeah, yeah, I can hear you."

"Clara! Oh, God. Clara..."

"What do I do?" Clara asks.

"Who are you talking to?"

"Hang on just a moment."

"Question him. Ask him questions only he'd know the answer to. Be sure. You, with us" the Doctor says pointing to Chang.

"Where are you going?"

"We've got to check out those tanks. There's something that we're missing" I say.

"Clara?" Danny asks.

"Sceptical and critical, remember? Be strong, even if it breaks your heart" I smile.

"Connection's stabilised. It should be ok" Chang says.

"Who would harvest dead bodies? I feel like we're missing something obvious" the Doctor says, the doctor, Chang and I walk out through the double doors with windows cut out in the shape of the logo, but symmetrical.

"Danny?" Clara asks.

"Yeah, I'm here" Danny replies.

"Danny, I'm so sorry but I'm going to have to ask you some questions."

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