Mini Episode

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I walk into the console room, and with a book in my hand I went to go sit down in front of the console. The TARDIS beeps, I walk up to the screen to find some words written in Gallifreyan, I pressed some buttons and it went away, that's when Clara walked in.

"Hey Seer, what're you doing?"

"Ah, you know just catching up on my reading." I hold up my book, and go back to sitting down.

"That cant be the only thing you do, isnt there something else you would rather do than reading?" I scoff.

"I love reading, it's amazing, there is a whole other world in the pages of a book." She walk in front of me takes the book from my hands, I sit up and she runs to the other side of the console.

"You do know you can go to any planet or universe you want, right." She tells me, I try to grab the book but she is much faster.

"Clara, please give me my book back." She moves the book around in her hands.

"What book is this anyway, havent you read every book ever." I furrow my brows.

"What's that supposed to mean." I cross my arms.

"I just mean you have all the time in the universe to read books, you must have read tons and tons of books." I reach for my book and finally get it.

"I enjoy reading Clara, it's very good for the mind." She pouts, I look at her.

"No, no, dont give me that face." I say, she walks in front of the screen and stops, I go back to reading my book.

"Seer" I dont listen to her, and then the TARDIS beeps.

"Seer" she says louder.

"Clara I'm trying to read." The TARDIS beeps louder and I look up confused.

"Seer, whose Rose Tyler." I stop and look at her for a moment before taking a minute, I finally put the book down and stand up she looks at me.

"Who is she Seer?" I go up to the screen she was in front of and switch it off fast.

"No one, just drop it" I brush off, she put her hand in front of me stopping me.

"Obviously she wasn't no one if you're acting like this." I push her out of the way and lean on the railing and I let out a sigh, I run my hand over my face and feel that my cheeks are wet, a couple of tears fall down my face. I let out a shaky breath.

"Seer" Clara puts her hand on my shoulder, I shake my head.

"Seer, please." She turns me around she lightly gasped at my red eyes, she wipes my tears away. I let out another shaky breath.

"Are you okay?" I sniff and pull away, and I walk away to the console.

"Of course I'm fine." She shakes her head.

"You're obviously not fine, just tell me." The TARDIS let's out another beep, I walk in front of the screen, Clara follows me. I stare at the screen longingly. "Who is she Seer, please just tell me, who is Rose Tyler."

"She used to travel with the doctor and me back then." I finally say, I turn to Clara she is still staring at the picture.

"It seems like she meant a lot to you." I softly chuckle.

"Yeah, you could say that." I release a breath before continuing. "She helped the doctor and me."

"How so?" She asks.

"We met her after the war Clara." I tell her, she looks at me.

"She made us better, she helped us get through it all." I look at the picture again.

"Did she die?" She asked me. I didn't answer.

"Seer, did she die?" She walked in front of me.

"No, she didnt die Clara" I tell her.

"Then what happened to her?" I look at her.

"Shes in a parallel world." Clara looks at me with shock. "I lost her in a parallel world, and I can never see her again." I can feel more tears threatening to escape my eyes.

"And I loved her with all my hearts, I didn't get the chance to tell it to her face, because if I did it would have become real." I finally say to her, Clara's eyes soften.

I lean on the TARDIS, she makes some noises, I look up at the screen and see the picture change.

I lean on the TARDIS, she makes some noises, I look up at the screen and see the picture change

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I smile softly, Clara leans on my arm.

"She's really beautiful." She says.

"Yeah, she really is." I smile, I lean my head on Clara's, that's when the TARDIS doors open and the doctor walks in with a smile until he sees me his smile falters.

"Whats wrong." He looks in between Clara and me. Clara let go of my arm and I watch her leave, he walks up to me and puts his hand on my cheek.

"Why are you crying?" He wipes my tears, I look away to see that the screen wasn't showing the picture anymore.

"Just reminiscing." I tell him. "Really I'm fine, I swear." I put my hand on his.

"Ok." He goes to leave, but I pull him into a hug, he quickly wraps his arms around me. I let go to see him smiling down at me, and he finally leaves.

The TARDIS makes a warbling sound followed by a couple of beeps. I look at the screen to see another picture of Rose, I smile.

 I look at the screen to see another picture of Rose, I smile

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"I love you too, Rose Tyler." I touch the screen. Then I turn off the screen and walk away.

"I love you Seer and I always will."


I just decided to do my own little mini episode, it just came to mind while watching this video.

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