The Pyramid At The End Of The World

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Bill is sitting at the table with another women an a date.

"Your tutor's are what?" Penny asks.

"Aliens" Bill replies.

"What do you mean, aliens?"

"Space ones. Space aliens."

*Time Skip*

"So your tutor ran a computer simulation."

"Well, yeah, more like she got, like, trapped inside one."

"Can that happen?"

"Yeah, she's an alien."

"A space one."

"Yeah, a space one. Let's just call it a sort of dream."

"Are you just completely mad?"

"Is it working?"

"A little bit."

"Not so mad, then.

*Time Skip*

"So this computer-simulation-dream thing."


"Which, to be clear, I don't believe a word of."

"Fair enough."

"You said I was in it?"


"How did it go? The dream version."

"Well, the Pope walked in from the bedroom and spoke in Italian."

"The Pope?" Penny asks laughing.

"In person."

"The Pope, in your flat. Here?"


"Your tutor has strange dreams."

"I bet she does, you know."

"Maybe she's just trying to keep you on the straight and narrow."

"Maybe, yeah. How do you feel on the subject?" a crash is heard from outside when suddenly armed UN soldiers burst in.


"Stay where you are! Clear" a soldier shouts.

"Please remain still and calm. Sit down. Keep your hands in sight on the table. Miss Potts?" the commander asks.


"Who's this?"

"This is my friend Penny. Who the hell are you?"

"Room secure, your Excellency" a grey-haired Asian man enters.

"This is Miss Potts, sir."

"Hi," Bill says waving.

"Miss Potts, this is the Secretary-General of the UN."

"I have flown here today to speak to the President. I'm told you might be able to help."

"I don't know the President. How would I know the President? I mean, I wouldn't even have voted for him. He's orange."

"I mean the President. The Doctor."

"The Doctor's not a president. What's he president of?"

"Well, in times of crisis, Earth."

"Is it ok if I get an Uber?" Penny asks.

*Time Skip*

"President of the world?" Bill asks.

"In times of unusual danger, that status is made official" the Secretary-General hands Bill a very robust computer tablet showing satellite surveillance "Turmezistan, near the border. This is a disputed area. Potential hot spot. The Chinese have troops here, the Russians here, the Americans here. And in the centre..."

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