Flatline pt.2

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"This explains everything. They're from a universe with only two dimensions. And, yes, that is a thing. It's long been theorised, of course, but no one could go there and prove its existence without a heck of a diet" I say.

"And what long story are you going to tell Danny, huh? Or haven't you made it up yet?" the Doctor asks.

"Sorry, what? What was that?" Clara asks.

"Excellent lying, Doctor Oswald" the Doctor replies.

"Yeah? Well, thought it was pretty weak myself."

"I meant to us. You told us that Danny was ok with you being back on board the TARDIS" I say.

"Well, he is."

"Yeah, because he doesn't know anything about it" the Doctor says.


"Congratulations. Lying is a vital survival skill."

"Well, there you go."

"And a terrible habit" Clara gets static in her earbud.

"Ah. Guys, you're breaking up a bit."

"Yeah, of course, we are" The Doctor mutters.

"No, really, you are. I can't hear you."

"What? Oh, right, blowing out that window's possibly affected the earpiece. Take it out and sonic it" I say.

"Doing it" Rigsy goes around the corner to see his work group painting over the mural.

"Hey! They can't do that. Hey! What are you doing?" Rigsy asks.

"Our job. You're on report, by the way. Late back from lunch."

"Does it even still count as lying if you're doing for someone's own good? Well, like, technically their own good" Clara says.

"It's a memorial!" Rigsy shouts.

"Council didn't approve it, it's graffiti. Stan" Rigsy grabs the paintbrush.

"Look, Clara. Talk to us, talk to us!" the Doctor says.

"What are you doing?" Rigsy asks, the Doctor's fingers stick out of Clara's bag and jog her elbow.

"Clara, the mural. Clara, it's the mural! Over there, look, the mural! We've found the missing people, they're in the walls!" the Doctor says, Clara puts her earbud back in.

"What do I do?" Clara asks.

"Act normal, but get everyone out" I say.

"They're very realistic. Who painted them?" Clara asks walking over.

"I don't know. A local artist. Probably a grieving relative" Rigsy says.

"Did you ever meet them? Or did they just appear after people disappeared?"

"And who are you when you're at home, love?" Clara brandishes the psychic paper.

"Health and safety. This subway is unsafe. Everyone needs to leave right now."

"This is blank. Try again, sweetheart."


"What? It takes quite a lack of imagination to beat psychic paper" the Doctor says.

"Stan. Do your job."

"Clara, stop him" I say, Stan's brush touches the wall and he is sucked in with a cry.

"Stan!" Rigsy shouts the images on the wall turn around to face them.

"What is this? What are they?"

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