Hell Bent pt.2

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The Doctor is strumming his guitar.

"This Clara person, you two must really like her."

"Why do you say that?" the Doctor asks.

"You killed a man. You don't seem the type."


Clara, the Doctor and I are running down a hall.

"You killed that man! You shot him! He's dead!" Clara says.

"It was him or you" I reply.

"I don't care!"

"Yeah? Well, the difference is, when you die, you stay dead" the Doctor says.

"So, does he!" they get into a lift.

"We're on Gallifrey. Death is Time Lord for man flu" I reply. A short time later we leave the lift and head into the Cloisters.

"I thought you two said Gallifrey was frozen in another dimension?"

"Well, they must have unfrozen it and come back."


"We didn't ask. It would make them feel clever" the Doctor says as he throws away the General's sidearm "happy?"

"No. Tell me what a neural block is."

"Never mind. This way."

"What did you mean, human-compatible?"


"So, what was it, the thing you took?"

"There was only one way to keep Clara safe. We had to wipe some of her memory" I say.

"Of what?"

"Of us."


"The Cloister Wraiths. Sliders, we used to call them. They guard the Matrix. We're safe in here" the Doctor says.

"Why?" Clara asks.

"They only attack if you make any attempt to leave."

"How long are we planning to stay?"

"Or, actually, if you try to stay."

"You realise how well that conversation went, right?"

"Starting to, yeah, a bit" a Wraith glides past, howling in terror, its face flickering.

"This way, I'm fairly sure. According to the stories, there's a secret way out. If you find it, the Sliders let you go" I say walking in front of the Doctor and Clara.

"Exterminate!" liquid is running down the Dalek's eyestalk.

"It's ok. It's ok, look at it" the Doctor says.

"Exterminate me."

"Is it trapped?" Clara asks,

"Don't worry, it's been neutralised. Those aren't vines. In your terms, they're fibre-optic cables, they're alive and growing. We're inside the biggest database in history. Sometimes, people are stupid enough to break in" I say.


"It's a database. They get filed."

"Exterminate me."

"Probably a leftover from the Cloister Wars. There's nothing we can do. Come on."

"Exterminate me. Exterminate me" further along Clara sees a Weeping Angel entangled in cables. She walks past, and it vanishes, then reappears in front of her.

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