The Eaters Of Light pt.2

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In the house, the trap door suddenly opens, and the Picts scream and run for their weapons.

"No! Wait! Douse the fire, quickly!" I say, on the ladder, the beast has finished its snack and is trying for seconds.

"Shift your arse, Roman!" Bill shouts, I pull Bill into the house, then the other Roman.

"Close the trap door" they slam down the wooden door.

"Block it off! We have to block it off!" The Doctor says as he starts to put stones on the trapdoor.

"Centurions, defence formation."

"It's fallen back. It's waiting. It's waiting to feed off the sunlight, to grow to its full strength" I say as Bill helps a Roman carry a heavy table onto the trapdoor "hello" she says looking at Bill.

"Hi. I brought you the Ninth Legion" who are currently in a small defensive square fending off the Picts.

"Oh, there they are. The Lost Legion of the Ninth."

"Totally found them."

"Yeah, you totally did" Nardole waves between bites of something.

"Nardole, what happened to you?"

"Oh, I'm blending in" he then starts talking in a Scottish accent "Welcome to our land. Scotch."

"Drop your weapons," Kar says.

"Oh, for goodness' sake! We don't have time for this" the Doctor says.

"Stay back!"

"Lucius, stop it!" Bill says.

"Are you their champion now?" Kar asks.

"There is no time for fighting!"

"Exactly," the Doctor says.

"We never wanted to fight. We lived in peace, and then you came and laid waste to everything and everyone we loved. All you understand is war" Kar says.

"No, he understands. Don't you? Now he's wondering why" Bill says.

"You speak Latin?" Lucius asks.

"I don't," Kar says.

"Neither do I. Not a word. And I don't speak whatever they speak either. It's them. It's you, isn't it?" Bill asks looking at the Doctor and me.

"Yes, it's us" I reply.

"Something to do with the TARDIS. Maybe, telepathic field? So now that we all understand each other, how do we all sound?"

"You sound like children," Lucius says.

"You sound like children too" Kar responds.

"You all do," the Doctor says.

"Is this what happens when you understand what everyone in the universe is saying? Everybody just sounds like children?" Bill asks.

"There are exceptions," the Doctor says.

"Thank you very much" Nardole replies.

"Not you."

"Ok, kids, pay attention. She slaughtered your legion. You slaughtered everything that she loves. Now, you all have a choice. You can carry on slaughtering each other till no one is left standing, or you grow the hell up! Because there's a new war now. I think these creatures are light-eating locusts, looking for rents and cracks between worlds to let themselves into dimensions of light. Once they break through, they eat. They will eat the sun, and then they will eat the stars. And they will keep eating until there are no stars left. So, whose side are you on now? Because as far as I can see, there's only one side left" I say "If it helps, we do have a plan."

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