Under The Lake pt.2

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"Attention, all crew. The Drum has switched to night mode early so grab provisions and make your way to the Faraday cage" O'Donnell says over the speaker in the mess hall Clara is helping Bennett gather provisions 

"Pritchard, you are unaccounted for. Contact the bridge or get to the Faraday cage immediately. Pritchard, contact the bridge or get to the Faraday cage!"

"I'd love to work for UNIT, Earth's first line of defence, and all. I'm probably not suited, though. Not much of a fighter. More of a bleeder" Bennett says a figure in a dry suit has his back to Bennett and Clara.

"Pritchard! Where have you been? Everyone's been looking for you. What's with the wetsuit?" Clara asks.

"Yeah, where have you been?" Bennett asks "O'Donnell, it's ok. Pritchard's in here!"

"Pritchard, you moron. Grab your stuff, we're locking down early. In case I can't get this back into day mode."

"Is he, all right?" Clara asks something bumps against the windows. It is a figure in a dry suit floating outside.

"Man overboard. Man overboard! We need a rescue team in the water now!" Bennett shouts.

"Bennett, wait! It's Pritchard" Clara says, the figure with them turns around to show its black eye sockets. Cass, Lunn, the Doctor and I run in "he's a ghost. He's another ghost" ghost Pritchard picks up a chair and advances towards them, a few seconds later the lights come on, Pritchard vanishes and the chair falls to the floor.

"Good morning. Entering day mode."

*Time skip*

Everyone watches CCTV of what happened to Pritchard on a wall screen. The alien ghost is a few steps behind Moran.

"No! No, Moran! Don't!"

"They're working out how to use the base against us. Altering the time settings so they can go about uninhibited, opening the airlocks. They're learning" I say.

"And now there's three of them" Clara adds.

"Cass, what do we do?" Bennett asks.

"We abandon the base. Topside can send down a whole team of marines or ghost-busters or whatever" Lunn says looking at Cass.

"Wait, wait," the Doctor says as Lunn continues to read Cass's sign language.

"I can't force you to leave, so you can stay and do the whole cabin in the woods thing and get killed or drowned if you want. But my first priority is to protect my crew."

"But we're coming back, aren't we?" Clara asks quietly.

"Yes, we're coming back" the Doctor replies quietly.

"O'Donnell, contact Topside. Tell them we're abandoning the base on my orders" Lunn says looking at Cass then at O'Donnell who uses a sort of field telephone.

"Topside, Topside, this is Lance Corporal Alice O'Donnell from Drum Control. Over."

"Drum Control, this is Topside. We have received your message. Submarine on its way. Over."

"Repeat, Topside. Over."

"We've received your request for a rescue sub. It's two minutes away. Over."

"Topside, who did you speak to and when was this request made? Over."

"Drum Control, it was in Morse code and arrived maybe half an hour ago. Said it was urgent, comms were down, two crew members critically ill, full paramedic team requested. Over" the Doctor snatches the handset.

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