Mummy On Orient Express pt.3

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A while later, the phone rings.

"Clara Oswald" I say. Clara and Maisie are going through some papers they have found in a box.

"Ok. So, first things first. The sarcophagus is actually a secure stasis unit" Clara replies.

"Yes. It's where they want us to put the Foretold if we capture it" the Doctor says.

"Well, that would have been good to know."

"Sorry. Teeny bit busy round here. What else?"

"Please terminate your call and return to work."

"We have some paperwork. Passenger manifests from other ships. Maisie recognised a couple of the names. These are missing ships."

"So, we're not the first" I say.


"Please terminate your call and return to work."

"I've got some progress reports. The Gloriana spent three days getting picked off by the Foretold. All died. Performance marked as poor. The Valiant Heart. Forty-two crew, four died. Performance, promising."

"Please terminate the call and return to work."

"I think you should do as it says," Quell says, the Doctor and I look out the window to see the catering staff and equipment are floating past.

"Clara, we have to go" I say hanging up.

"I'm sorry. I know that must have been distressing for you. But if you are disobedient again, I will decompress another area containing less valuable passengers."

"Less valuable passengers? How does it choose?" the Doctor asks.

"Well, I'm assuming qualifications," Perkins says.

"No, no, no. Not the computer, the Foretold. How does it choose who to kill? We've assumed it's random. What if it's not? I want full histories on all the victims. Medical, social, personal" I say.

"Well done."

"Don't mention it."

*Time skip*

Later, Perkins, The Doctor and Iare looking at a tablet computer.

"Doesn't seem to be any pattern. Their travel history, interests, health. It's all over the shop. Health?" Perkins suggests.

"Health? Are you sure? Mrs Pitt, the first victim. She was over a hundred years old. The frailest passenger on board" I say.

"Oh, but the next to go, the chef, was young and fit. It's random."

"The chef was ill," Quell says.

"What?" the Doctor asks.

"A rare blood disorder. Not contagious, but we kept it quiet" Quell replies.

"Because he worked with food. The next one, the guard?"

"He wasn't ill as such, but he did have synthetic lungs implanted last year."

"Professor Moorhouse. It seems he was physically fine but suffering from, here we are. Regular panic attacks after a car crash last year" Perkins says.

"It's picking off the weakest first. Sensing the illness somehow. The fake organs, even psychological issues. But this is good news because it means we can work out who is next" I say.

"I want the medical records of everybody alive who is still on board. If anyone's had as much as a cold, I want to know about it" the Doctor says.

"You really think it can sense psychological issues?" Quell asks.

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