Into a Dalek pt.2

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We splosh into liquid gunk.

"Urgh. What is this stuff?" Clara asks.

"People. The Daleks need protein. Occasionally, they harvest from their victims. This is a feeding tube" I say.

"Is Ross here?" Journey asks.

"Yeah. Top layer, if you want to say a few words" the Doctor says, Journey pushes the Doctor against the wall.

"A man has just died. You will not talk like that."

"A lot of people have died. Everything in here is dead, and do you know why that's good?

"There is nothing good about that."

"Nothing is alive in here, so logically this is the weakest spot in the Dalek's internal security. Nobody guards the dead. Mortuaries and larders, always the easiest to break out of. Oh, I've lived a life Tell Uncle Stupid that we're in. Ah ha! A bolt hole" the Doctor unscrews the large bolt with his sonic screwdriver, I walk over helping him.

"They'll get us out of here. The difficult part is not killing them before they can" Clara says.

"Bolt hole. Actually, a hole for a bolt. Does nobody get that?" the Doctor asks.

"Also, there's the puns."

"Watch it, decontamination tubes are hot" I say.

*Time skip*

"Are you all right back there? It's a bit narrow, isn't it?" the Doctor asks.

"Any remarks about my hips will not be appreciated," Clara says from behind me.

"Your hips are fine. You're built like a man" the Doctor replies.

"Thanks..." the Doctor helps Clara down from the tube with the help of me.

"What's that noise? Are you wearing a Geiger counter?" the Doctor asks.

"Standard battle equipment. That's just low-level radiation" there are large printed circuit boards.

"But stronger down here, for some reason. Gimme" I say, I start to sweep the circuit boards with the Geiger counter "I've got it. I know what's wrong with Rusty."

"Ok, that's good. Is that good?" Clara asks.

"Well, you know how I said this was the most dangerous place in the universe? I was wrong. It's way more dangerous than that" the Doctor says looking over my shoulder.

"Old Rusty here is suffering a trionic radiation leak" I say "It's poisoning the Dalek and us. Just as well we're here."

"Really? Perhaps we should get out while we can. Why should we trust a Dalek? Why would it change?" Journey asks.

"Good question. Rusty? What changed you?" the Doctor asks.

"I saw beauty."

"You saw what?"

"In the silence and the cold, I saw worlds burning."

"That's not beauty, that's destruction" Journey says.

"I saw more."

"What? What did you see?" the Doctor asks.

"The birth of a star."

"Stars are born every day. You've seen a million stars born. So, what?"

"Daleks have destroyed a million stars."

"Oh, millions and millions. Trust me, I keep count" I say.

"And yet, new stars are born."

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