Kill The Moon

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*The Moon 2049*

Clara is using a communications console. She and Courtney Woods are wearing orange spacesuits.

"Hello, hello. Hello, Earth. We have a terrible decision to make. It's an uncertain decision, and we don't have a lot of time. The man and women who normally help, they're gone. Maybe they're not coming back. In fact, I, I really don't think they are. We're on our own. So, an innocent life versus the future of all mankind. We have forty-five minutes to decide" that is how long is left on the countdown to detonation of the 100 nuclear devices within range of the trigger.


"Courtney Woods. Doctor, Seer, she has gone crazy. She's uncontrollable. She took your psychic paper. She's been using it as fake ID" Clara says.

"To get into museums?" I ask.

"No, no, no. To buy White Lightning or alcopops or whatever."

"We've no idea what you're talking about. What, what is Courtney Woods?" the Doctor asks.

"She's one of my year tens. She was in the TARDIS."

"Doing what?"

"Throwing up."

"Oh, her. Oh, that was ages ago" I reply.

"Look, she says that you, Doctor, told her that she wasn't special."


"She says that's what sent her off the rails."

"Pfft" the TARDIS has found a larger place than the previous supply cupboard, the Doctor, Clara and I walk inside.

"Doctor. I know, I know. But, you say something like that to somebody, it hurts. Especially if you're somebody of her age, especially if you're you. Doctor, it can affect her whole life."

"Bah" Courtney is inside, at the console. The Doctor runs over to her.

"Oi! Give over!"

"I got stuff to clean up with" she holds up paper towels.


"And I got these from the chemist."

"Vortex manipulators?" I ask.

"Travel sickness."

"Good. Because I don't like people being sick in my TARDIS. No being sick. And no hanky-panky."


"Sorry, that's the rules."

"Look, Courtney, you're not going to be needing those because you're not going to be doing any travelling. Doctor, will you just, just tell her?" Clara asks.

"Tell her what?"

"Tell her that she's special," Clara says through clenched teeth.

"Have you gone bananas?"

"Do you really think I'm not special? You can't just take me away like that. It's like you kicked a big hole in the side of my life. You really think it? I'm nothing? I'm not special?"

"Pfft. God" the Doctor mutters "how'd you like to be the first woman on the moon? Is that special enough for you?" the Doctor asks.

"Yeah, all right."

"Ok. Now we can do something interesting" I say as I set the TARDIS into motion.

"Hey, Doctor! Seer!" Clara shouts.

*Time skip*

They step out of the TARDIS in full spacesuits into a storage area filled with cylindrical objects, some in racks. Some have a US flag on them, some have Cyrillic writing.

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