The Eaters Of Light

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"Oh, where are we now?" Nardole asks stepping out of the TARDIS.

"Aberdeen, Scotland. 2nd century AD" Bill Says.

"You weren't complaining when it was Mars, were you?" the Doctor asks, Nardole is in a bright orange dressing gown and knitted woollen cap.

"So why is Scotland suddenly more important than guarding the Vault and keeping your sacred oath?" Nardole asks looking at me, I come out of the TARDIS closing the door behind me.

"She thinks she knows more about Romans than me," the Doctor says.

"Oh, well that's explained everything, thank you."

"You don't know more about the Ninth Legion than me. You don't. I read the book. I loved the book. I read everything" Bill says.

"They disappeared" the Doctor replies.

"Except they didn't."

"They were annihilated in battle."

"Then where's the big pile of bodies? Oh, I don't know."

"So where's the Ninth Legion? If they'd left, they should still be leaving. Can you see five thousand Roman soldiers marching south?" Nardole and I shake our heads.

"Down there, by the river. They'd have followed the river. That's what they did."

"There's so much that you don't understand about Roman Britain."

"I got an A star."

"Ooo, got an A star" Nardole mutters.

"I've lived in Roman Britain. Governed, farmed, juggled. And speaking as a former Vestal virgin, second class, I can assure you" the Doctor says.

"I bet you there is a Roman legion down there," Bill says.

"Hang on. What, second class?" Nardole asks.

"Fine. You go and check the river. I'll go and find their last battlefield" the Doctor says.

"Fine. I'll meet you back here with a Roman soldier" Bill leaves, heading downhill.

"Yeah, but seriously. Second class?" Nardole asks as the Doctor heads uphill.

"Yeah, it's a long story. Come on" I say as the two of us follow the Doctor.

*Time skip*

"Five thousand Roman soldiers. Eyes peeled. They must have left some kind of mark on the landscape. Burning huts, slaughtered locals, sweetie wrappers" the Doctor says, Nardole stops to look at a crow on a stone.

"Dark! Dark! Dark!"

"Doctor" Nardole says.

"Dark! Doctor!"

"Look, a stone cairn. Pictish civilisation" the Doctor says not paying attention.

"The bird!" Nardole shouts causing the Doctor to turn.

"What about it?"

"It said dark."

"Yes, well, that's why we're hurrying, because there's not much light at this time of day" I say.

"But it talked," Nardole says.

"Well, of course, it did. It's a crow. All crows talk."

"They don't talk in the future."

"Course they do. Human beings just stopped having intelligent conversations with them. They all took a bit of a huff."

"Crows in the future are all in a huff?"

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