The Women Who Lived

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In the forest, the Doctor looks out of the TARDIS, then leaves it to see me starting up a gizmo with a compass on top.

"Right," the Doctor says as he walks up to me the gizmo beeps rapidly but softly. As I turn around, a pair of red lights illuminate on stalks.

"Warm" I say as in orange light comes on in the compass "warmer" the two follow the signal.

"Aye, Satan's sidekick, me. Where's the rest?"

"What else would you take from me, sir?"

"You know what I want. Hand over the amulet."

"Hello" I have climbed into the coach from the other side.

"Ah! Don't shoot!"

"Oh, don't mind me, don't mind me. I'm only going to be a minute. Don't worry. Oh, very warm."

"What are you doing?"

"Oh, just ignore me, I'm just passing through, like fish in the night."

"This is a robbery!"

"It's not fish in the night, it's something else," the Doctor says as I get out of the coach and closes the door.

"This is my robbery."

"No, ships in the night" I say.

"Yeah, something like that" the Doctor replies.

"Step aside or I shall blow your brains out."

"Sorry, were you talking to us there? Try again. I promise we'll listen this time" the Doctor says.

"You have interrupted my robbery, sir, ma'am, and you will step away if you wish to take another breath."

"You're going to get us all killed if you don't shut your mouth," the coachman says.

"Sorry. Sorry, we really were planning to listen that time but, basically, we didn't. Usually, someone hits me at this point, but she's taking the Year 7s for Taekwondo."

"I'd do it but... oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh!" I follow the gizmo signal which leads her to the luggage chest at the back of the coach "yes! Got you!" I chuckle "oh, hang on. If I didn't know better, I'd say this was a robbery" I look at the Doctor and at the person on the horse.

"I am robbing these people. You are getting out of my way."

"just need one tiny little thing from out of this box," the Doctor says.

"This is my robbery!"

"Well, can't we share it? Isn't that what robbery's all about?"

"Yah! Get up!" the coach drives away at a gallop.

"Oh, no! No, no, no, no, no, no!" I say.

"You bungled my heist."

"No, you bungled ours, Zorro!" the Doctor replies.

"Whey-faced fool!"

"Yeah, well, why don't you show your face? At least I show my face. What's wrong with yours?" the person's masculine voice changes to feminine.

"Nothing, Doctor" the woman dismounts and removes her hat, kerchief and mask.

"You," the Doctor says.

"Yes, it is me. What took you so long, old man?" Ashildr says.

"Old man?"

"It seemed apt. Life expectancy is thirty-five these days. Well, for everyone else."

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