The Doctor Falls pt.3

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"They'll attack on both sides. I'll take the back, yeah?" Bill says.

"Yeah. This is it, I'm afraid. So, if there's anything we ought to be saying?"

"I can't think of anything. Can you?"

"No." The doctor and I say at the same time.

"But, hey er, you two know how I'm usually all about women and, and kind of people my own age."


"Glad you two knew that." She leaves. The doctor takes my hand in his, I look at him smiling sadly.

"Without hope. Without witness. Without reward."


"Telos! Sealed you into your ice tombs! Voga! Canary Wharf! Planet 14! Every single time, you lose. Even on the Moon."
We get zapped in the back by an early-style Cyberman, we groan in pain.

"Ah! Hello. I'm the Doctor."

"And I'm The Seer"

"Doctors and Seers' are not required."
It aims its helmet weapon directly at our chests.

"Argh! No, no. I'm not a doctor. I am the Doctor. The original, you might say." It blasts us again. We both fall to our knees. The regeneration energy builds in both our hands, we both look at each other.

"Doctor. Doctor, let it go. Time enough."
We raise our sonic screwdrivers and detonates a massive explosion. We lie amidst fires.

"Pity. No stars. I hoped there'd be stars." I say, the doctor looks at me and takes my hand.


Now a charred post-apocalyptic wasteland with a few fires still burning. Cyber-Bill limps through the ashes and finds the Doctor and the Seer, she falls to her knees and touches them gently, weeping over them. A tear falls on her forehead. Then she stands and looks skywards as if screaming at the sky, Heather appears.

*Time skip*

"Am I dead?" Wet Heather kisses Bill.

"Does that feel dead to you? You're like me now. It's just a different kind of living." Water is pouring off Bill's hands.

"How did you find me?"

"I left you my tears, remember?"

"I don't think they're mine."

"I know when you're crying them. Time to go."

"But the Doctor and the Seer, we can't just leave them."

"Of course we can't. And we're not going to."


Bill and Heather are now both completely dry, and the Doctor and the Seer are lying on the floor by the console, holding hands.

"I suppose this is the only place they'd rest in peace. If there's any place they'd do that." Heather operates the controls.

"How can you fly the Tardis?"

"I'm the Pilot. I can fly anything. Even you." Heather replies.

"So I'm like you now. I'm not human any more."

"I can make you human again. It's all just atoms. You can rearrange them any way you like. I can put you back home, you can make chips, and live your life, or you can come with me. It's up to you, Bill, but, before you make up your mind"
She opens the Tardis door to reveal a bright star shining in space.

"Let me show you around."

"Back in time for tea?" Bill asks.

"If you want."

"You know what, old man and women? I'm never going to believe you're really dead. Because one day everyone's just going to need you both too much. Until then." She kisses their cheeks. "It's a big universe, but I hope I see you two again."
There is a tear on their faces.

"Where there's tears, there's hope." She goes to Heather. "Just one thing. I've been through a lot since the last time we met, so I'll show you around."
They hold hands and step out into the infinite. The regeneration begins.

"Doctor! Seer!"

"Doctor! Seer!" The Tardis powers up.


"Doctor, Seer." Rose says.

"Doctor, Seer." Martha says.

"Doctor, Seer" Donna says.

"Doctor." Jack says.

"Doctor, Seer." Vastra says.

"Seer." Jenny says.

"Doctor, Seer." Sarah-Jane says.

"Seer." Amy says.

"Doctor? Seer?" Clara says.

"Seer." River says.

"Doctor, Seer." Missy says.


I sit up with a gasp, along with the doctor.

"Sontarans perverting the course of human history! We don't want to go. When the Doctor, when the Doctor was me. It's starting. We're regenerating. No! No! No! No! No! No!" The regeneration stops, and the Tardis has materialised, I look around.

"Where have you taken us? If you're trying to make a point, we're not listening. We don't want to change again. Never again! We can't keep on being somebody else. Wherever it is, we're staying." He takes my hand and we run outside and the Cloister Bell sounds.


"No!" We shout. We plunge our hands into the snow with a sizzle. The regeneration stops again.

"We will not change." I say.

"We will not change. We will not! No, no, no, no. The whole thing's ridiculous."

"Hello? Is someone there?"

"Who is that?" A women voice says.

"I'm the Doctor."

"And I'm the Seer" elderly figures in checked trousers, cape, scarf and astrakhan hat comes into view.

"The Doctor and the Seer. Oh, I don't think so. No, dear me, no. You may be a doctor, but I am the Doctor. The original, you might say."

"And I'm the Seer, the original Seer" the women says.
Taking hold of his lapels, while the women stands next to him, we look at each other in shock.

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