Knock Knock pt.2

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"Honestly, Doctor, Seer, there's nothing going on. Nothing weird, nothing alien. Just an old house and a dodgy landlord, which is pretty standard for students. I'll see you later for more exciting TARDIS action, but, basically, this is the bit of my life that you're not in. Do you know what I mean?" Bill asks.

"We know what you mean" I say nodding.


"So, up the wooden hill, you go. Sleep well."


"Maybe before you do, you should check on your friend who hasn't been seen for a day, and who has strange music coming out of his room."

"They said he just does that."

"Nobody just does anything."

"You're both not leaving, are you?"

"No. Your friend will probably be fine. Knock on wood."

"We need to have a talk about your taste in music," Shireen says walking out of the lounge room and up the stairs.

"You coming up?" Paul asks.

"Yeah," Bill says following them.

*Time skip*

"Do you like this music, Doctor?" Felicity and Harry come out of the lounge room.

"Reminds me of Quincy Jones. I stepped in for him once. The bassist he'd hired turned out to be a Klarj Neon Death Voc-Bot. What was worse, he couldn't play. This is very interesting."

"The door?" Harry asks.

"Because it isn't."


"A door, anymore. Try to open it" I say. Harry tries the front door. It won't open.

"Come on. Shireen did it a minute ago" Felicity also tries "so, it's locked."

"No. Look. It's completely sealed" I say.

"I don't understand" banging comes from behind them "the shutters."

"What about them?" Harry asks.

"Closed by themselves. Sealed" the Doctor says.

"So, we're trapped?" Felicity asks.

"Maybe that's the idea."

"What do you mean?" scratching can be heard from above them.

"What's that?" the wood creaks loudly.

"No. No, no, no!" dust falls from the ceiling "there's something in here. I can't be trapped! I can't!" Felicity runs off.

"Wait!" I shout as her, the Doctor and Harry run after Felicity "don't go out there!"

"I can't be trapped!" she gets between the shutters and out of the window, then the shutters close and seal.

"Great. Now we're stuck here. Why'd you try and stop her?" Harry asks.

"Listen" the creaking and scattering once again returns, suddenly they can hear Felicity's screams as they try to open the shutters but to no avail.

"What's happened to her? What's going on? Do you think it's like she said? A thing?" Harry asks.

"Maybe" I reply.

"And so, is it out there now? Or in here?"

"Or both."

"I'm scared."

"Don't be."

"Why not?"

"It doesn't help" the Doctor replies as he taps the shutter and gets a creak in reply "who's there?"

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