Smile pt.2

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A little robot with skull eyes grabs Bill's arm.


"Smile! Smile!" I say as I sonic the robot and frees Bill. As we run a chunk of the building turns into a swarm of insects and follows.

"Where did they come from?"

"Once we're out of the city, we should be safe" the three run into the Wheatfield.

"Are they coming after us?" Bill asks.

"I'm guessing that once we're out, we're not their problem" they get to the TARDIS "right. You'll be perfectly safe in the TARDIS. She'll look after you until we get back."

"Where are you going?"

"There's a giant smiley abattoir over there and I'm having this really childish impulse to blow it up. Be right back" the Doctor says.

"What, you're going back in? We've only just escaped! I thought we were going home."

"Home? Why would we be going home? That place is a living death trap. We can't just leave it with its mouth wide open."

"But they're all dead. We saw them. It's too late."

"We have to assume that there is a colony ship on the way. What do you think's going to happen when all those people arrive? They're expecting the new garden of Eden. What they are not expecting is to be the fertiliser. There's broadband in there. Go! Go and watch some movies or something!"

"I get that someone has to do something but why is it you? Can't you phone the police? Isn't there a helpline or something?"

"And stay away from my browser history!" the Doctor shouts as he drags me behind him.

*Time skip*

I take out a pendant from my pocket and open it. It contains a hologram of a happy waving boy. Then I see one of the little robots.

"Ah! Good morning! I'm happy! Good morning. Look at me, I'm happy, happy, happy, happy! What a lovely, beautiful morning, it makes me so happy. I'm happy. I hope that you are happy, too. See? Happy" the robot's face turns to happy and it walks past. The Doctor uses the comms device in his ear as they walk towards some stairs.

"Hello? Is someone there? I can hear you breathing."

"Why are you Scottish?" Bill asks walking up behind us.

"I'm not Scottish, I'm just cross" the Doctor replies grabbing Bill's arm.

"Is there a Scotland in space?"

"They're all over the place, demanding independence from every planet that they land on. Why are you here?"

"Because I figured out why you keep your box as a phone box."

"We told you, it's stuck."

"Advice and Assistance Obtainable Immediately. You like that."

"No, I don't."

"See, this is the point. You don't call the helpline because you are the helpline."

"Don't sentimentalise me. I don't just fly around helping people out."

"What are you doing right now?"

"We happened to be passing by, so we're mucking in."

"You've never passed by in your life. You couldn't even leave me serving chips, so I'm not going to leave you."

"Look at the wall" I say.

"The wall?"

"Closely. Before, when the Vardy, the little microbots were going to attack you, you asked where they came from. Well, they didn't come from anywhere. They were here all the time."

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