The Zygon Invasion (Pt.1)

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Once upon a time, there were Three Doctors.

Two Osgood's.

Osgood is cringing in the corner of the lift sucking on her asthma inhaler as a Zygon snarls at her before transforming into her double.

"The Doctor and the Seer will save me. The Doctor and the Seer will save me" Osgood mutters.

"Excuse me, I'm going to need my inhaler," the second Osgood says sticking out her hand.

One peace treaty.

"Any second now, you're going to stop that countdown. Both of you. Together" the Tenth Doctor says.

"And then you're going to negotiate the most perfect treaty of all time," the Eleventh Doctor says.

"Safeguards all round, completely fair on both sides" the Seer says.

"And the key to perfect negotiation?" the Eleventh Doctor asks.

"Not knowing what side you're on," the Tenth Doctor says as the two push back their chairs and stand on either side of the Seer.

"So, for the next few hours, until we decide to let you out..." the Eleventh Doctor says.

"No one in this room will be able to remember if they're human...." The Tenth Doctor says.

"Or Zygon" the Eleventh Doctor finishes, the two jump up onto the table pulling the Seer up after them.

"Whoops-a-daisy!" The Seer says with a shrug, the memory filter in the ceiling explodes.

"Cancel the detonation!" both Kates shout.

The two Osgood's are sitting behind a desk with an eighteen-inch square box on it, making a video. The one on the right has a 4th Doctor scarf looped around her neck {calling Osgood 1}. The one on the left is wearing the 7th Doctors query motif pullover {calling Osgood 2}.

"Hello," Osgood two says.

"Hello. Do you want to?" Osgood 1 asks looking at her counterpart.

"No, you can, if you..."

"Shall we do it together? Operation Double. The Zygon peace treaty" the two say as the same time.

"I'm Osgood," Osgood two says.

"I'm also Osgood."

"Remember that. It'll be important later."

"Operation Double is a covert operation, outside of normal UNIT strictures, to resettle and rehouse an alien race in secrecy on planet Earth."

"With UNIT's help, twenty million Zygons have been allowed to take human form, been dispersed around the world, and are now living amongst us."

"We're making this in case something goes wrong. In case UNIT is infiltrated. In case something occurs to unmask the Zygons."

"Or in case one or both of us dies."

"The Zygons are a peaceful race."

"Their shape-changing ability should not be considered a weapon."

"It's a survival mechanism."

"They embed themselves in other cultures and live out their lives in their new bodies in peace and harmony. Mainly."

"Any race is capable of the best and the worst."

"Every race is peaceful and warlike."

"Good and evil."

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