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Clara comes up the stairs to the console room where the Doctor and I are.

"You could leave all that stuff here, you know. We do have literally acres of room" I say.

"Oh, no. It's all right. Danny's got a little bit territorial. The idea of me leaving so much as a toothbrush here. But, still, he's all right with us doing this which I admit is a little bit weird, cos you'd think if he had a problem with me leaving stuff in the TARDIS, he'd object to me travelling in the TARDIS. But he's not, so."

"Sorry. Stopped listening a while ago. Ok. Er, same time you left, same place-ish" I say.

"Ish? Don't give me an ish" Clara replies.

"These readings are very er, ishy" the Doctor says.

"Er, Doctor?" Clara asks, I stand next to her eyebrows furrowed.

"Uh huh?" the Doctor goes to join the looking at the TARDIS door, which is now about a metre high. The Doctor stops to open it and looks outside. The Doctor struggles to squeeze out through the gap. Clara and I follow him and close the door. There are tracks and a train shed behind them. A sign on the railings says Bristol Sidings 344.

"Well. Well, I wonder what caused this? I don't think we're bigger, are we?" the Doctor asks, he scans Clara then me which I slap his hand away giving him a look.

"Bristol? Doctor, we're in Bristol!"

"And a hundred and twenty miles from where we should be. Impressive" I mutter.

"No. Not impressive. Annoying."

"No. This is impressive" the Doctor points at Clara "this is annoying. The Tardis never does this. This is huge! Well, not literally huge. Slightly smaller than usual. Which is huge" the Doctor says.

"Yes. I get it. You're excited. When can I go home?"

"Your house isn't going anywhere. And neither is mine until the Seer and I get this figured out. Could you not just let me enjoy this moment of not knowing something? I mean, it happens so rarely. Look, I don't think this is dangerous, but I wouldn't like you to get squished accidentally. Anyway, I need you to help us find out what's caused this" the Doctor says much like a child in a candy shop.

"Fine. I'll go take a look around" Clara walks away past the train shed whilst the Doctor squeezes back in through the TARDIS door followed by me.

*Time skip*

I am closely examining a TARDIS circuit when there is a jolt and an alarm sounds.

"Now, that wasn't me, was it?" I go to the door and look at it "oh, that can't be good" I turn back around going to find the Doctor.


Clara goes down towards an underpass. There is a shrine of pictures and flowers by the steps. The community payback group are near the top of the steps. One of them calls out to Clara.

"Cheer up, love. Might never happen."

"Have some respect. She's grieving."

"Oh, sorry, love. I didn't mean nothing by it" Clara walks on, and one of the men run after her. The underpass proper is decorated with Banksy-style images of people with their backs turned, men and women including one with a child.

"Sorry about them. They're idiots."

"That's all right, don't worry. I've heard worse" Clara replies.

"I've lost someone, too. My Aunt Karina. Deaf as a post. Didn't really know her that well but she's still gone. Is your one in the mural?" the man strokes the back of a small woman in a yellow jacket.

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