The Doctor Falls

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The Doctor and I wake up, I look to my side and the doctor has a nasty head wound, then he looks at me with a worried look, I give him a reassuring smile.

"How many times have you both died?"

"How many different ways?" Missy asks.

"Have you burned?"

"I know you've fallen."

"Have you ever drowned?"

"Have you felt the blade?"

"I suppose what we're really asking, my dears, is, well"

"Any requests?"


Memories of the scene in the Conversion Theatre, with Cyber-Bill reaching out to us then the Master and Missy attacking the doctor and pushes me. I am knocked against a computer keyboard by Missy as Nardole flees.


A 1930s style waltz plays and the Master and Missy dance together. The Doctor and I are tied to a wheelchair and Cyber-Bill is standing nearby.

"So, I imagine you're the next one along, then?"

"Oh, I think so. I'm a bit hazy on the whole regeneration thing, I'm afraid."

"You mean, I'm going to turn into a woman and you don't even remember it happening?"

"Oh! Am I a woman now?"

"Well, kind of, yeah."

"Hold me."

"Kiss me." I make a disgusted face.

"Make me."

"Do you two want to be alone? Which, in your case, would mean more than it usually does." I say.

"Urgh, Grandad's and Sissies back."
The music and dancing stops.

"We've been debating the best way to kill you."

"Where's Bill?" I ask.

"Well, we thought we might chuck you off the roof, but I wasn't sure how many regenerations you had left."

"Yeah, we could have been up and down the stairs all night."

"We could shoot you, but that's a bit vanilla."

"But old school, nice for a change."

"For a change."

"I said, where is Bill?"

"Well, if we told you that, I'm afraid you'd be really, really upset."


"She's right behind you!" They both say.
The Doctor and I look round.

"Look, there's Bill. Dead, dismembered, fed through a grinder and squeezed into a Cyberman. Doomed to spend an eternal afterlife as a bio-mechanical psycho-zombie. It was hilarious."

"Ten years you spent up there, chatting. You missed her by two hours."

"Ripped out her heart, threw it in to a bin, and burned it all away. He's internalising. I love it when he's Mister Volcano."

The doctor looks at the Master. "The last time we saw you, you were on your way to Gallifrey."

"Well, I didn't stay. Why would I stay?"

'So they cured your little condition and kicked you out."

"Oh sissy, It was a mutual kicking me out." Bored Missy is repairing her lip gloss.

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