The Husband Of River Song pt.3

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A short time later, as the spaceship flies through some interstellar debris, Flemming is walking around whilst reading the diary "The Pandorica Opens. Ooh, that sounds exciting. And goodness me, a picnic at Asgard. Some people really know how to snack, don't they?"

"You should know I have a significant history of escaping," River says.

"The Crash of the Byzantium. Didn't they make a movie of that?"

"And when I do, I'm going to kill you."

"Oh, Jim the Fish! Well, we all know Jim the Fish."

"And the longer you spend reading my diary, the longer I'm going to take."

"And you've just been to Manhattan. What planet is that?"

"So, do, please, keep going."

"This is irrelevant."

"If I may intrude, your Majesty. The Seer is a legendary being of remarkable power and an infinite number of faces. Her head, I assure you, would be your crowning achievement" Scratch says, Flemming taps on the Cyborg's armour to get its attention back.

"Besides which, many of us on this ship would be happy to see her career cut off, as it were, at the neck."

"Proceed faster, or your head will be taken!"

"I would give my head with gladness," Scratch says.

"This woman is the known consort of the Seer."

"Confirmation required. Uploading" Nardole's head rises out of the Cyborg's body, shaking and blinking in the light.

"Ooo. Oh!"

"Is River Song the consort of the Time Lord known as the Seer?"

"Huh? I think so, yeah. Here, can I stay up for a bit? It's really very whiffy down there" Nardole's head is lowered "oh! Oh, it's awful!"

"So, where is the Seer now?" Flemming asks.

"I haven't the faintest idea" River replies.

"Is that credible?"

"It's true."

"You're the woman she loves."

"No, I'm not."

"She's lying."

"The Seer does not and has never loved me. I'm not lying" the Cyborg scans River.

"Confirmed. The life form is not lying."

"Impossible. This is a trick" Flemming says.

"No, it isn't" River replies.

"My information is correct. You are the woman who loves the Seer."

"Yes, I am. I've never denied it. But whoever said she loved me back? She's the Seer. She doesn't go around falling in love with people. And if you think she's anything that small or that ordinary, then you haven't the first idea of what you're dealing with."

"Your Majesty, I assure you, she is the perfect bait. When this woman is in danger, the Seer will always come."

"Oh, you are a moron. No, she won't."

"She's probably already here."

"No, she isn't. Of course, she isn't!"

"Possibly on this ship."

"Well, go on, scan it then. Go on, why don't you?"

"River" I whisper.

"Two hearts, stupid clothes, you can't miss her."

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