Deep Breath pt.2

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*Clara's bedroom*

Next day. Clara pours water into a bowl on her washstand.

"Come on, Earthling scum. Position it here. Easy now. That's it. Careful" Strax says she opens the window onto the courtyard. A cart has brought the TARDIS from the river bank "don't get it scratched or you and all your bloodline will be obliterated from time and space."

"Very good, sir" Clara leans out.


"Ah! Morning, Miss Clara. You're awake at last. Morning ma'am" Clara looks down to see I have stuck my head out the window.

"You got the TARDIS, then?" Clara asks
"Military tactics. The Doctor is still missing, but he will always come looking for his box. By bringing it here, he will be lured from the dangers of London to this place of safety, and we will melt him with acid."

"Okay, that last part?" Clara asks.

"And we will not melt him with acid. Old habits. The Times. Shall I send it up?"

"Yeah, why not?"

"Hah!" he throws the rolled-up newspaper, hitting her squarely between the eyes and knocking her down.

"Strax!" I say.

"Sorry, ma'am" I shake my head and pop back inside.

*Time skip*

Once Clara is dressed she meets me outsider the door and they meet Jenny coming up the stairs.

"Jenny," Clara says.

"Ah, good morning, Clara, Seer."

"Morning. Er, so, what are we going to do? Are we looking for the Doctor?" Clara asks.

"We've got the Paternoster Irregulars out in force. If anyone can find him, they can. Meanwhile, Madam Vastra is slightly occupied by the Conk-Singleton forgery case, and is having the Camberwell child poisoner for dinner."

"For dinner?"

"After she's finished interrogating him. Probably best to stay out the larder. It'll get a bit noisy in there later."

"Oh," Clara and I head off to the kitchen, to see Strax mopping the floor.

"Ah, Miss Clara. You look better now you're up" Strax says.

"Thank you, Strax" I look at Strax.

"Oh, sorry. Trick of the light. You still look terrible. Can I get you anything?" he asks.

"Er, no, thanks. Maybe just some water."

"Of course," he puts the mop bucket on the table, I sighs "well, don't hold back. I've nearly finished anyway."


"It's perfectly all right. I washed in it myself."

"All of a sudden, I'm not very thirsty."

"Really? Perhaps it is time, then" he takes out a monocle like device with three lenses, and shines a green light into Clara's eye "for your mandatory medical examination. Say ah."


"You didn't move your lips."

"You're looking at my eye."

"Oh. Oh yes, there we are. Easy mistake" he aims the light at her forehead.

"Now that's interesting."

"What? What's interesting?"

"Deflected narcissism. Traces of passive aggressive. And a lot of muscular young men doing sport"

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