Death In Heaven

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Cyber Dr Skarosa stomps out of his cubicle, stops by his desk and turns, pointing his weapon at Clara, who was hiding behind it.

"Stop! You can't kill me" Clara says.


"I'm a target of strategic value. Alive, I'm a tactical advantage. Dead, I'm your biggest mistake. You don't know who I am" Cyber-Skarosa scans her with his chest disc.

"You are Clara Oswald. You are human. You are unimportant."

"Incorrect. You see, that is what you're supposed to think. That is what everybody thinks."

"You are Clara Oswald."

"Clara Oswald is a cover story, a disguise. There is no Clara Oswald."


"Oh, don't be so slow, it's embarrassing. Who could fool you like this? Who could hide right under your nose? Who could change their face any time they want? Hmm. You see, I'm not Clara Oswald. Clara Oswald has never existed."


"I'm the Doctor."


"Look at them! My boys" Missy says.

"Cybermen in broad daylight? You think people won't notice?" I ask, we look around and notice, people, taking out their phones to take the photographs. Missy unpins her hat and puts it on the ground at a Cyberman's feet.

"Photos with the big metal men, one pound!" several coins are thrown into her hat "oh, honey!" one teenage lad takes a selfie of himself, a Cyberman and his girlfriend. "New York. Paris. Rome. Marrakesh. Brisbane. Glasgow. Everywhere. Anywhere. Me and my boys. We're going viral" Missy shows me on her steampunk style smartphone.

"Would you like me to take a picture? Sorry, selfies are never as good, are they? And you're having a lovely moment. Hang on!" Osgood snatches Missy's phone. I grab Missy's arm.

"No, just..."

"Nice bow tie," the Doctor says.

"Bow ties are cool. Big smiles, and now!" weapons are taken from pushchairs and backpacks. Soldiers come out of the buildings on both sides.

"Move, move, move! Stand by. Surround target. Hold back!" once the scene is secure, a blonde woman walks up holding something behind her back.

"Afternoon. You've picked a lovely day for it. My, don't you look shiny" Kate looks to the Doctor "Haircut? "

"Bit of a trim."

"Might want to do your roots. The woman."

"Yes, ma'am" Missy is held by two soldiers. Kate addresses the serried ranks of Cybermen.

"Kate Stewart. Divorcee, mother of two, keen gardener, outstanding bridge player. Also, Chief Scientific Officer, Unified Intelligence Taskforce, who currently have you surrounded."

"Human weaponry is not effective against Cyber technology."

"Sorry, you left this behind on one of your previous attempts" Kate throws down a battered Cyberman head. A soldier brings the Doctor and I forward to stand next to her "so now that I have your attention, welcome to the only planet in the universe where we get to say this. These two are on the payroll."

"Are we?" I ask.

"Well, technically."

"How much?" the Doctor asks.

"Shush. Any questions?" at once, the Cybermen thump the blue disc in the middle of their chests and stamp their feet on the ground. Dust is blown everywhere as little engines in their feet start up. Missy smiles.

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