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"So?" Bill asks.

"So" the Doctor replies

"What do we do? Do I have to sit somewhere? Are there seat belts?"

"Well, you've done this before. This isn't your first trip."

"Yeah, but it's proper this time" Bill finds a chair and sits "oh, that's a mistake."

"What is?"

"You can't reach the controls from the seats. What's the point in that?" the Doctor sits on another chair "Or do you have stretchy arms, like Mister Fantastic?"

"Oh, we stand, like this" he once again gets up and moves towards the console.

"You never thought of bringing the seats a bit closer?"

"No, not so far, no"

"Where's the steering wheel?" Bill asks.

"Well, you don't steer the TARDIS, you negotiate with it. The still point between where you want to go and where you need to be, that's where she takes you" I say walking towards the two.

"How much did it cost?"

"Ah. No idea. Stole it."




"Well, actually, because we felt like it."

"What if I steal it from you?"

"On you go, then," the Doctor says.

"I don't know how it works."

"Well, neither did we" there's knocking on the door.

"Who's that?"

"Mum" the Doctor mutters, he opens the door and Nardole enters.

"Excuse me, just what is the TARDIS doing down here?" Nardole asks looking at me.

"We're over two thousand years old, we don't always want to take the stairs" I reply.

"Your oath, ma'am. You're not supposed to go off-world unless it's an emergency."

"We're not off-world."

"Are you going off-world?"

"We're going back to the office. Could you put the kettle on, please?"

"Hmm. Why's she here?" Nardole asks looking at Bill.

"Because she isn't anywhere else. Kettle."

"Well, I'm not making any for her. She can make her own. I'm not a slave for any human, I can assure you" Nardole says as he leaves, I shake my head as the Doctor closes the TARDIS doors.

"So, back up to your office for a cuppa, then?" Bill asks.

"Between here and our office, before the kettle boils, is everything that ever happened or ever will. Make your choice" the Doctor says.

"What choice?"

"Past or future."



"Why do you think? I want to see if it's happy."

*Time skip*

"Which way is Earth?" Bill asks as the three stand in a wheat field.

"Ah, space is bent. Earth is any way you choose to look. Why you thinking about leaving?" the Doctor asks.

"Thinking? I'm not thinking. My brain's overloading. Why a phone box?"

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