The Zygon Inversion (Pt.2) pt.2

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"We can't help you just now, but..." another bolt of electricity leaves the man and grazes the Doctor.

"Why? I was happy like this. I was happy here."

"We understand."

"I can't change. I can't hide."

"Let us help you," Osgood says.

"No! You're Truth or Consequences."

"We're not. We're really not" the man transforms a little more.

"I'm not part of your fight. I never wanted to fight anyone, I just wanted to live here. Why can't I just live?"

"We're on your side" I say.

"I'm not on anyone's side. This is my home."

"Listen, we are not them."

"I can't go back now. You've taken my life!" the man holds his hand up towards his own face.

"No, no, no! Stop! Stop! Stop" the Doctor says.

"They will kill me" with that the man commits suicide.

"There it is, Osgood. There's their plan" I say "unmask everyone, provoke fear, paranoia, provoke a war"

"Doctor, Alex" the Doctor and I look up.

"Kate! Are you all right?" the Doctor asks.

"Of course, I am. Why wouldn't I be?"

"It's just we heard otherwise" I say.

"I'm fine. We know where the Zygon command centre is. We know where Clara's pod is. We can take you there."

"Well, how very convenient, because that's just exactly what we're looking for," the Doctor says.

*Time skip*

"And here it is, the Black Archive. Oh, I do like being you, Clara" Bonnie says, Clara's pod is being wheeled on a box trolley by two UNIT soldiers "everyone just waves you on past. Now, how does this work?" Bonnie waves her left hand in front of a light and the vault door unlocks, she smiles and leads the way in.


In the tunnel, Kate leads the Doctor, Osgood and me to the pods, with the soldiers bringing up the rear.

"Well, they like a good cave, don't they? How many of these pods are occupied?" I ask.

"We don't know" Kate replies.

"Which one is Clara's?"

"Well, that's strange. It was here before."

"Alex, Doctor, I think they're Zygons," Osgood says walking over to the two Time Lords.

"Oh, you cheeky little monkeys!" the Doctor says.


"Normalise," Bonnie says, her soldiers turn into Zygons, she finds the room with a long table and the red Osgood box on the end of it "well, Clara, I think you're reaching the end of your..." she steps into the room and sees something that shuts her up. Then her phone rings.

"The Doctor and the Seer are here," Kate says.

"Don't kill them. We need them alive."

"What for?"

"Because I just found out why it's called an Osgood box" a blue box is at the other end of the table "there's two of them."

"Two Osgoods, two boxes. Operation Double. What did you expect?" I ask.

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