Last Christmas pt.3

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Dream Crabs fall from the faces of the four scientists, the Doctor and Clara and I, as the Sleepers clutch their sides and writhe. They all cough violently to clear the mucus as the Dream Crabs twitch and turn to dust.

"Run!" the Doctor shout, one of the Sleepers grabs Clara's arm.


"Clara!" I shout.

"Seer!" It opens its maw and I pull her free. She is staring at the pink tube inside the gap.

"Clara? Come on!"

"Out, out, now! NOW!" Ashely shouts, they back out with the guns and the doors close. Bellows hits a stray hand with the butt of her gun until the doors can fully shut.

"Everyone all right? Good. Bye" the Doctor says.

"Sorry, I'll just go and..." Clara and I follow the Doctor.

"No need for chatting, you'll only get attached. This isn't Facebook" the Doctor says as they walk outside.

"Er, what about the Dream Crabs?" Clara asks.

"Oh, they're fine."

"And the people that they're eating?"

"Beyond help."

"Doctor, the others are still in danger."

"Only if they're stupid. There are polar bears on this ice cap. Am I supposed to do something about that, too? "

"We know Dream Crabs are still on Earth."

"There are lots of dangerous things on this funny little planet of yours, Clara, most of which you eat. I'm the Doctor, not your mam" the Doctor walks to the TARDIS while I stop looking straight ahead, Clara stops beside me.

"Doctor? If Santa was only in the dream, why was he on my roof?"

"Four. Four patients. Four manuals" I mutter smacking my hand against my forehead "hurry! Do you know what I hate about the obvious?"

"What?" Clara asks looking at me.

"Missing it" the Doctor and Clara chase after me, I run back inside. On the monitors, the Sleepers are back on their beds.

"As you were. No saluting. Are you the same people as before?" the Doctor asks.

"Of course, they are," Clara says.

"Oh, sorry, I deleted you."

"Well, that's not a very nice attitude, is it?" Shona asks.

"Four manuals, yes?" I ask.

"Yes, why?" Ashely asks.

"One each."

"One each, yes. What's the problem?" Albert asks.

"Well, the problem is, you can't see the problem. For instance, you, gobby one" the Doctor throws a manual to Shona.

"I have a name, actually."

"Doesn't matter. I don't need it. When we first met you in the infirmary, what were you doing?"

"Mmm. It's a long story."

"Uptight boss one. What is the primary mission of this polar base?" he throws a book to Ashely.

"It's a long story."

"Sexy one. What brings you to the North Pole at your age?"

"It's a long..." Bellows pauses "story."

"Ok, why are they all giving the same answer, because that is a tiny bit freaky," Clara says.

"If you think that's freaky, try this. We were in the TARDIS. Why did we come here?" I ask.

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