The Girl Who Died

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Clara is breathing heavily in her spacesuit.

"Doctor! Seer!" Clara shouts.

"Yes, you're the very next thing on the list," the Doctor says as bits explode in the TARDIS

"Doctor, Seer, help me!" Clara is floating untethered the TARDIS in deep space.

"Clara, we're under attack from four and a bit battle fleets in case you think we're slacking" I reply running around the TARDIS.

"Guys, I think there's something in my spacesuit."

"Yes, that's possible, actually. You were too long in the spider mines" the Doctor says.

"Ok, explain?"

"It's possibly a Love Sprite. Sucks your brain..." I am cut off by a boom "sucks your brain out through your mouth, hence the name" I finishe.

"It's halfway up my leg."

"Don't worry, it's just hungry" the Doctor says.

"Doctor, Seer..."

"Describe the four most interesting stars you can see" I say.

"There's a blue one, quite big. Two little yellowish ones just below."

"Colour of whisky, smaller one blinking?"

"Yes! It's on the back of my neck, I can feel it."

"Great! I thought asphyxiation would kill you first. Can you see a nebula? Can you see a nebula in a sort of wing-shape? Bit green at the end?"

"Yes! Yes, I can."

"Great, we've seen it too. I wondered where it was" the Doctor says as the TARDIS dematerialises.

"Doctor! Seer!" the TARDIS re-materialises around her as I pull off my helmet and the Doctor stomps on the Love Sprite repeatedly. Clara coughs "how did we do?"

"Oh, not a word about my spot-on materialisation skills," the Doctor asks.

"What about all the Velosians? Are they safe?"

"Huh? Oh, yeah. Well, we lured their attackers halfway across the universe and drained their weapons banks. Not to mention, we also saved a school teacher from having her brains devoured and being asphyxiated in deep space. So, now, if you don't mind, I'm going to go outside and wipe my boot on the grass" the Doctor says as he walks outside followed by Clara and me.

"What's to stop them re-arming and trying again?"

"Nothing. But the Velosians will be ready for them this time. It's the best we could do, Clara. We're not actually the police, that's just what it says on the box" I say.

"You're both always talking about what you can and can't do but you never tell me the rules.

"We're time travellers. We tread softly. It's ok to make ripples, but not tidal waves" the Doctor says.

"You are a tidal wave."

"Don't say that" swords are drawn and placed against their throats. Flaming torches come into view.

"Seer? Doctor?" Clara asks.

"No, no, not Vikings. I'm not in the mood for Vikings" the Doctor says with a pout.

"You're coming with us," the man in the front says.

"No, I'm not. Do you want to know why?" the Doctor asks, the Vikings make angry noises.

"Oh, great" I mutter rolling her eyes.

"On my face, right now, more advanced technology than your species will manage over the next nine million years," the Doctor says, the man snatches the sunglasses off the Doctor's face and snaps them in two. They fall to the ground, sparking "Clara? Seer?"

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