Oxygen pt.2

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The zombies are coming through a bulkhead door

"They're here. Come on! This way! Move!" the Doctor says.

"You look like you're trying to run. Would you like some help with that?"

"Can you shut your girlfriend up?" Bill says gesturing to her suit.

"Velma! That was her name!" Nardole says.

"Confirmed. My name is now Velma" I seal the bulkhead door between us and the zombies and smashes the control panel. We run on to a closed door and a wrecked wall control panel. I use my suit comms.

"We've hit a sealed door at the end of Corridor Twelve. No way through."

"My suit's really called Velma?" Bill asks.

"Correct. My name is Velma."

"Tasker, come in."

"Oh! They're through!" Nardole says, the forcefield on Bill's suit activates. Nardole, the Doctor and I hammer on the door.

"Breathe in, breathe out. Breathe in" Bill whispers to herself.

"Hello?" the Doctor asks.

"Breathe out. Breathe in, breathe out."

"Anybody?" Nardole asks.

"Tasker!" the zombie's approach.

"Breathe in."

"Hello? Tasker!"

"Breathe" the door opens.

"Here. Go! Quick!" everyone runs inside only to have two weapons aimed at them.

"Deadlock the door!" the woman says.

"Cutting it a bit fine, weren't we?" the Doctor says.

"There was some debate over whether to open it at all" Tasker says, the person who let them in takes Bill's arms. His blue skin and yellow eyes startle her.

"Wha! Sorry, I wasn't expecting. Hello."

"Great. We rescued a racist."

"What? Excuse me?"

"And you are?" Tasker asks.

"We got your distress call" he hands over the psychic paper.

"Sorry. It's just I haven't seen many, well, any of your people" Bill says.

"It shows."

"They're from the union," Tasker says.

"The union's a myth," the woman says.

"Take a look."

"Yeah. We're from the mythical union" Nardole says.

"Dahh-Ren?" Tasker asks.

"We're here to help," Nardole says,

"Sorry, is your name Darren?" Bill asks.


"Ahh. Makes more sense" Bill's arms suddenly reach out in front of her, zombie-style "er, that's not me. That's not me" she has 3 Oxygen Credits available.

"It's just glitching. Ivan, take a look" Tasker says.

"Look, for the record, I'm not prejudiced. I'm usually on the receiving end" Bill says to Dahh-Ren.

"Oh? Why?"

"What, you really don't know?" Ivan leads Bill away.

"Would you like to give feedback on your experience so far? Would you class your experience?"

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